Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wait and you shall Witness!

My birthday is fast approaching.. And I have great plans for my God-thanking day on January 1. Will be blogging about it soon! Hihihi :>
I cannot wear this fancy dress though, so I wore this earlier at our church's morning service.
So this is my birthday outfit. Hehe :P

God gave me a great encounter with Him today! I saw how God is starting to speak to the hearts of some women I know. I would not be so talkative today. I only want to share to you how God goes with me in this ministry.

This ministry made me more concerned and aware of the condition of women today. Dressing up is just one of the many things a woman is all about. God is starting to pour out in me a passion for women.

I remember one night crying to God because I do not know how to start something that could reach out to women. You know what God wanted me do?
He only wanted me to wait.
I did not want that! There are many things that crowded my mind - things I thought of myself. Strategies I made myself. But God said not to do anything yet.
I was desperate to do something because I see women around me gradually destroyed by the womanhood suggested by the world.

And you know what I realized today? When God says "wait", it means that He has plans so much more awesome than the plans you thought of yourself.
Today, I see how God powerfully speaks to the heart of women I prayed for.
Before I even actually talked to them and expressed everything I wanted to say, before I actually did what I planned to do, God was already moving in the lives of these women! That's what He wanted me to see, the reason He wanted me to wait for His go signal. ;)

Every ministry is mainly God's avenue to showcase to the world what He can do!
After we do our best, after we follow what He says, all we should do is wait for His plans to unfold.
And believe me, being a witness of His power gives a person the most extraordinary joy!

That's how God is closing my 2012. This year is by far the best year in my life.

 This dress has an awesome back, if you would notice.. But I would never wear this dress alone. I don't want to expose my back bare, 'cause I know where sexy back came from.
And I don't want no one saying that my back is sexy - that's exclusive for my future husband to say!!

Also, if you would notice, I wore a white tube underneath the top because I don't want even a hint of my undergarments showing. The top was a little see-through, so yeah :)

This headband is a friendship stuff with my two brothers' girlfriends! Instant sisters!!! <3

Nails by my cousin, Tin Javier. She's the most artistic! Hahaha!
Dress: Forever 21 || White top (inside dress): Unica Hija
How is God closing your year? What are the blessings you received from Him in 2012? :D

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