Monday, December 24, 2012

Don't fight like a boxer beating the air!

Modesty is not something you do by chance.
Modesty is intentional.
It is an everyday commitment.

You do not think of modesty only when you go to church.
You do not dress aiming to please God only at times when it is convenient (meaning, you have "coincindentally" modest clothes you have the mood to wear). 
You do not think of modesty only when it is required by the event/church leader.
You do not dress for the glory of God only when you feel like covering up because you're getting fat or because a certain part of your body has dry skin.
You do not unintentionally become modest.
Modesty is an intentional thing.
It is a decision you make.
It's a commitment.

When you commit to modesty, do not settle with empty commitment.
Dig deeper into what's modesty and what kind of modesty really pleases God.
Ask questions and seek answers.
How does modesty glorify God? What draws the line between modesty and immodesty?
As God sheds some light to you, commit!
Pour your whole heart in it and do your best in it! :)

When you shop for clothes, think of your commitment in modesty.
When you think of what to wear on events, prioritize modesty above pretty clothes.
When you step out of your house, ask yourself about modesty.
Modesty is a commitment.

 "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.
They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly;
I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Lovely shoes! Haha they're quite weird tho :P

Wore this to the last Sunday before Christmas :) It was a long day filled with God's voice..
I went from place to place, following wherever God wanted me to go, wearing this ultra comfortable pants!
These pants look very nice, but is also very comfortable. I'm starting to like loose pants.
Plus, it is more modest than leggings/skinny jeans.
My advice (because I soo love this outfit) is invest in comfy pants like this :D
Keep it in neutral colors to make it more versatile ;)

So I attended the morning service.
Listened to Mama Luz's sermon about the True Meaning of Christmas. (learned a lot)
Then rushed to St. John the Baptist Parish for Zia's Christening with Jacob and Tiara. We were too late that we didn't see them in the church. So we went to Golden City for the reception. I finally saw Yassi's (Zia's nickname) pretty face in person.. Yey! :)
Then I met up with Jopel. :)
We went to Arenda together to check on their event :D
Rap Battle. See you dear rappers on December 30th! :D

Went to GenCon afterwards.
Was greatly blessed by Pastor Jordan's message about the most famous Bible verse of all time: John 3:16. :)
It was quite a lovely day with God :)

Did you have a lovely day too? :)

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