Monday, December 31, 2012


Our church had an outreach activity called Feeding of the One Thousand last Saturday.
(read about it here)

It gave me a few realizations that are worth pondering on. ;)

How much willing are you to get your hands dirty as you serve God by serving others?

Outreach activities initiated by your church freely give you avenues to serve others. These give you an opportunity to actually act out your faith. Participating in activities like this makes you feel that your faith is not dead, because it's accompanied by action. (James 2:17)

But is merely participating in outreach activities enough?

I think that this is mostly a question of giving your best. God deserves our best! We always sing songs that mean we give God our all, but do we really give Him our all?
It is easy to come to the activity, but it's not easy to ask everyone how you can help out.
It is easy to stand there and witness the great stuff as it unfolds, but it's not easy to think of something needed to be done that you can initiate!
It is easy to be in pictures, or be recognized as one of the workers for the activity, but it's not easy to truly work until you have no energy to work!
It is easy to say that you helped out in the big activity, but it's not easy to do little important things that are largely overlooked.
It is easy to have little (not your best) participation in big activities like this, but still become contented. I think that that is complacency! That is merely going along the flow of the others who serve God wholeheartedly!

When you do something like this, you should always ask, am I giving the best I could for this activity? 

Whenever I want to assess myself if I gave my best for God, I always think of how much I went out of my comfort zone. I know that it is not my best if everything I did was convenient to do. I know that it's the leftover of my time, effort, money, etc., if there was no pain in doing it.

Big activities like this actually need workers who are willing to go out of their comfort zone! Why? Because there are so many tasks that can only be done by people who aren't scared of discomfort.
These activities need workers who would be willing to get out of the comfort of the sofa and leave the house to be uncomfortably standing under the heat.
Workers who would be willing to leave the comfort of talking to their friends and go out of their way and talk to little children (who my be, by the way, not the most behave children).
Workers who are willing to hug and play with children who may not be the most hygienic, who needs to know God's love the most!
Workers who are willing to get uncomfortable under the sun, hours without alcohol/taking a bath, running errands without rest.
Workers who are willing to literally get their hands dirty to clean up the place, clean up some kid's vomit, and   to pick up the most disgusting trash.
Workers who are willing to stack up and carry hundreds of chairs even after getting all tired and weary from handling makulit kiddos.

Do you think God deserves service that could not be called service at all?
This brings us to what Jesus teaches us, His disciples. Servanthood.
You do not call your self God's servant and be picky about the things you wanna do.
Growing more spiritually mature does not exempt you from doing things that get your hands dirty.
In fact, if you truly grew more mature in the faith, it is you who understands how we should serve.

A servant follows his master, isn't it the logical thing a servant does?
And knowing how much our master, Jesus, was willing to get His hands dirty in service to the people He loves, washing the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-17),
who are we to be so demanding and maarte about how we serve others?
Let us serve until there's nothing left! Because when we serve others, we serve our King.
Let's all be dirt-lovers! :)

"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also should wash one another’s feet.
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."
- John 13:14-17

What are the things that would get your hands dirty you plan to do for God? :) We're about to welcome a new year. Let's serve God together in 2013! 

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