Monday, December 24, 2012

Humble and Mounted on a Donkey

You don't become more modest by judging other women who have a struggle with it.
Help other women with protecting their bodies as you help yourself.
Modesty should not make you loathe someone who's supposed to be more mature yet dresses inappropriately.
Modesty should not make you think less of someone who wears something you will never wear all your life!
Modesty should not make one hate her sister.


Modesty should teach you to love your sisters in Christ even more!
What I realize in this challenge on modesty is how much it teaches me the worth of every lady I know :)
It makes me realize how special each part of a woman is, physically, emotionally and even spiritually!

As I pursue modesty, God gives me a new passion to help women understand their real beauty that would not need sexy clothes to be seen. :)

Every woman has been tempted to look at others and find fault. It is like a tendency that is driven by pride and self-righteousness. Pursuing modesty with a right heart needs so much humility!

Who ever thought that modesty in clothing could teach Christ-like humility? :D

Merry Christmas!

"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you;
righteous and having salvation is he,
humble and mounted on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
Zechariah 9:9 

I wore this to our Church's Worship Team and Production Team's Christmas Party. :)
Here's a tip. When you go to parties, make sure to wear something comfortable. Also, loose stuff is friendly this Christmas - won't make you conscious about eating to much and having a satisfied *ehem* tummy. :)
It was really comfortable since it was a very (very) loose shorts! Haha! It only looks like a skirt but it isn't.

I had so much fun at our Christmas Party - it was pure fun!

Grabbed from Alek Valencia

We played a game about the song 12 Days of Christmas. We had to guess the items mentioned in the song.. It was a song quite familiar yet so hard to recall at a time like this :))

Grabbed from Alek Valencia

We played another game that revealed stuff about each one :D This kind of fellowship is really helpful especially when you should work together as a team in your ministry.

Grabbed from Alek Valencia
We were greatly encouraged by our youth pastor Sam Tamayo's short talk about giving your best for God in everything that you do and wholehearted commitment. We were all challenged to do even bigger things for our Lord who deserves all our praise! :)

Grabbed from Alek Valencia
We look tired but happy! :D

Grabbed from Alek Valencia
Who says only with alcohol and marijuana and drugs and fornication can we have fun?
We had a lot of fun that night doing things that please God! Here's a group of people, imperfect and flawed yet loved by the perfect God. Here's a group of people who serve with their individual gifts by the grace of God! Here's TFCN's Worship Team and Production Team :)
We had great joy that cannot be achieved through things of the earth.
Nothing can compare to the joy we get from encountering God!

How about you? How are you spending the holidays? :)

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