Monday, December 31, 2012


Our church had an outreach activity called Feeding of the One Thousand last Saturday.
(read about it here)

It gave me a few realizations that are worth pondering on. ;)

How much willing are you to get your hands dirty as you serve God by serving others?

Outreach activities initiated by your church freely give you avenues to serve others. These give you an opportunity to actually act out your faith. Participating in activities like this makes you feel that your faith is not dead, because it's accompanied by action. (James 2:17)

But is merely participating in outreach activities enough?

I think that this is mostly a question of giving your best. God deserves our best! We always sing songs that mean we give God our all, but do we really give Him our all?
It is easy to come to the activity, but it's not easy to ask everyone how you can help out.
It is easy to stand there and witness the great stuff as it unfolds, but it's not easy to think of something needed to be done that you can initiate!
It is easy to be in pictures, or be recognized as one of the workers for the activity, but it's not easy to truly work until you have no energy to work!
It is easy to say that you helped out in the big activity, but it's not easy to do little important things that are largely overlooked.
It is easy to have little (not your best) participation in big activities like this, but still become contented. I think that that is complacency! That is merely going along the flow of the others who serve God wholeheartedly!

When you do something like this, you should always ask, am I giving the best I could for this activity? 

Whenever I want to assess myself if I gave my best for God, I always think of how much I went out of my comfort zone. I know that it is not my best if everything I did was convenient to do. I know that it's the leftover of my time, effort, money, etc., if there was no pain in doing it.

Big activities like this actually need workers who are willing to go out of their comfort zone! Why? Because there are so many tasks that can only be done by people who aren't scared of discomfort.
These activities need workers who would be willing to get out of the comfort of the sofa and leave the house to be uncomfortably standing under the heat.
Workers who would be willing to leave the comfort of talking to their friends and go out of their way and talk to little children (who my be, by the way, not the most behave children).
Workers who are willing to hug and play with children who may not be the most hygienic, who needs to know God's love the most!
Workers who are willing to get uncomfortable under the sun, hours without alcohol/taking a bath, running errands without rest.
Workers who are willing to literally get their hands dirty to clean up the place, clean up some kid's vomit, and   to pick up the most disgusting trash.
Workers who are willing to stack up and carry hundreds of chairs even after getting all tired and weary from handling makulit kiddos.

Do you think God deserves service that could not be called service at all?
This brings us to what Jesus teaches us, His disciples. Servanthood.
You do not call your self God's servant and be picky about the things you wanna do.
Growing more spiritually mature does not exempt you from doing things that get your hands dirty.
In fact, if you truly grew more mature in the faith, it is you who understands how we should serve.

A servant follows his master, isn't it the logical thing a servant does?
And knowing how much our master, Jesus, was willing to get His hands dirty in service to the people He loves, washing the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-17),
who are we to be so demanding and maarte about how we serve others?
Let us serve until there's nothing left! Because when we serve others, we serve our King.
Let's all be dirt-lovers! :)

"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also should wash one another’s feet.
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."
- John 13:14-17

What are the things that would get your hands dirty you plan to do for God? :) We're about to welcome a new year. Let's serve God together in 2013! 

Feeding of the One Thousand

Photo grabbed from The Jesus Rocker

Our church, TFCN, got a little too ambitious (in a good way) this year!
We organized something that was a big leap for us.
We attempted to feed one thousand kids as a way of giving back to God. He has blessed our church so much, so this is our way of being a blessing to others :)

We went to TFCN at 11am for the preparations.
We had the activity last Saturday, December 29, 2012, at the Church's Parking Lot. :)

 Here's Claudine. She's one of my small group members :) She also made herself available to help out :D
With Danna. Haha she looks like a puppet! We used the curtain in the picture for our Puppet Show :)
We were puppeteers that day! 
Here's the Program. God blessed this and tweaked it a little to make it a little more memorable! :)
Here are some of the kids. The Dads of TFCN took the time and effort to drive for these kids!
The kids were mostly from Taytay. They live in areas such as Arenda, Penestra, Sta. Ana, Tibagan, Rowenas, etc. It was a great time seeing these kids from different places laugh and play together!
(though I think it would be more personal for them if we fed them in their respective areas which could be harder to organize)
The workers were not only the adults in our church. Many of our church's young people also helped out. We wore red :) The strategy our senior pastor thought of was to assign more or less 10 kids to each worker. That indeed made it easier to manage :)
This scene pained me so much :( It was a rather heavy feeling seeing these kids rush out of this delivery truck. It's a delivery truck, mind you! It broke my heart...This group of kids was the most excited and jolly, nonetheless! Oh I thank God for giving these kids extraordinary and carefree joy. :')
These kids is just almost 1% of the kids who went!! Haha!

This picture was indoor because it rained until 3pm. We led the kids up to the sanctuary. It was where we had the Puppet Show and some games. We did not want to have sick kids after this activity! Of course we wanted them to be back to their families a little healthier (physically and, of course, spiritually)

After the Puppet Show, we led the kids back to the parking lot. There we had a short bizarre but really cutie puppet show (Tom and Tam), a few more games, a visit from Jollibee and Hetty (fast food mascots in the Philippines) and a lot more! We taught these kids some dances and songs that I pray would be used by God to put in their hearts the very reason why we did this - Jesus! :)

After everything was set, we distributed the food. This was the most challenging part for everyone!
How are we gonna check every kid's food stub? How are we going to make sure that every kid has food? What could make the distribution faster? Should we maintain one line of kiddos getting food, to make sure that the food stub is double checked before giving out food? Or should we have 6 lines? 
We ended up having the workers getting the food for the number of kids they're handling! Which I think is the best among the different strategies we thought of.
We gave out Jollibee Burger Steak Meals, Zesto fruit juices and apples.

After most of the kids were done eating, we again shared a few songs that has the greatest and truest message among all children songs! :) It's better for them to sing and to dance to these songs rather than to the ones like Gangnam Style. :P I remember seeing kids who looked like they were the kind who did not want to dance and participate who actually enjoyed the dances we taught.

We also gave out candies and a few balloons as the kids were waiting for their rides home (c/o the Dads in TFCN) The kids sometimes did not want the candy itself, some only wanted the bragging rights from catching some candies and calling them yours. Some fought with their lives on the line for candies! It ended up being a not-the-best idea because some kids literally jumped over the others just to be able to catch candies! Tsk :(

The kids were brought back to their homes with smiles in their faces and Jesus in their hearts! ;)
(Shall add more pictures soon! :D)

Before the kids came and the actual feeding, people were worried. Where do we get funds? How do we get donors? Will the food be enough for everyone? Will we really reach our budget goal?
Before we got the assurance that all the kids that had food stubs had enough food, we experienced a lot of stress and panic. Especially when kids poured out, there were many kids who came without the food stub (which means that they were not among the 1000 kids counted). When we assumed that the kids that arrived were more than a thousand, making the food a worry, we had different responses. The stress even translated into bad temper for some, which may not appear as a blessing to some children. Of course they would not see Jesus if they became victims of your stress! Haha!

Imagine being one of the kids. You came there to eat and have fun with other kids. Then an adult will shout at you, "Bilis! Bilis! Nako naman ang gugulo.. Ang dami pang nakapila oh! Wag ka na dyan!" instead of the expected "Here's your food, kid. Merry Christmas! Jesus loves you!" :)

So this could be a lesson for everyone :)
When God calls you to service, expect stress, expect going out of your comfort zone. But do not let these rule over you and affect the way you treat the people you were actually called to serve.

And besides, you can be assured that God is sufficient! No need to be all stressed!
It's interesting how He reminded me of His power. :) We had so many thoughts about the amount of food. We had what-ifs that weren't healthy at all. What if the would weren't enough? The kids who wouldn't be able to eat could have a bad time instead of a Jesus time. :(
The food was more than enough.
It was miraculously fit to feed a little more than one thousand kids! Where did that come frooooom?!
It's just like the 12 baskets left after Jesus fed the five thousand. Haha! 
"They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over." - Matt. 14:20
If you wanna recall that story, read Luke 9:19-17 or Matthew 14:13-21.

When it is Jesus you serve,
expect to get more than what you expected.
(not necessarily material stuff, selfish kiddo)

What is your gift to Jesus this Christmas season? :)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wait and you shall Witness!

My birthday is fast approaching.. And I have great plans for my God-thanking day on January 1. Will be blogging about it soon! Hihihi :>
I cannot wear this fancy dress though, so I wore this earlier at our church's morning service.
So this is my birthday outfit. Hehe :P

God gave me a great encounter with Him today! I saw how God is starting to speak to the hearts of some women I know. I would not be so talkative today. I only want to share to you how God goes with me in this ministry.

This ministry made me more concerned and aware of the condition of women today. Dressing up is just one of the many things a woman is all about. God is starting to pour out in me a passion for women.

I remember one night crying to God because I do not know how to start something that could reach out to women. You know what God wanted me do?
He only wanted me to wait.
I did not want that! There are many things that crowded my mind - things I thought of myself. Strategies I made myself. But God said not to do anything yet.
I was desperate to do something because I see women around me gradually destroyed by the womanhood suggested by the world.

And you know what I realized today? When God says "wait", it means that He has plans so much more awesome than the plans you thought of yourself.
Today, I see how God powerfully speaks to the heart of women I prayed for.
Before I even actually talked to them and expressed everything I wanted to say, before I actually did what I planned to do, God was already moving in the lives of these women! That's what He wanted me to see, the reason He wanted me to wait for His go signal. ;)

Every ministry is mainly God's avenue to showcase to the world what He can do!
After we do our best, after we follow what He says, all we should do is wait for His plans to unfold.
And believe me, being a witness of His power gives a person the most extraordinary joy!

That's how God is closing my 2012. This year is by far the best year in my life.

 This dress has an awesome back, if you would notice.. But I would never wear this dress alone. I don't want to expose my back bare, 'cause I know where sexy back came from.
And I don't want no one saying that my back is sexy - that's exclusive for my future husband to say!!

Also, if you would notice, I wore a white tube underneath the top because I don't want even a hint of my undergarments showing. The top was a little see-through, so yeah :)

This headband is a friendship stuff with my two brothers' girlfriends! Instant sisters!!! <3

Nails by my cousin, Tin Javier. She's the most artistic! Hahaha!
Dress: Forever 21 || White top (inside dress): Unica Hija
How is God closing your year? What are the blessings you received from Him in 2012? :D

Leave Nothing Undone!

"As the Lord commanded his servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it;
he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses."
- Joshua 11:15

In the chapters before this, Joshua's victories as Israel's new leader were narrated.
He led the Israelites to win battles. He organized strategies (coming from God) that led them to memorable feats, like the Fall of the Wall of Jericho. In chapter 10, God even had the sun literally stand still for half a day just to show how much He favored Joshua in the battle. Could you believe that? For approximately 12 hours, the sun did not go down like we know it! Imagine living somewhere else. You were about to sleep but  you cannot because the sun is still up! Hahaha! Kidding aside, these chapters told me how much God was willing to give to His faithful servants.
God literally stopped the world and melted with Joshua!
What I noticed in chapter 11 was Joshua's obedience!
This chapter used more verses just to commend Joshua's obedience.

Obedience to God does so much - it does not only win battles and bring life triumphs.
Obedience changes the world.

What are your principles in obedience? How is obedience to God going to change  the world? 

Big Things

Went to Gencon's (our youth group) Frontliners meeting.
I was very much encouraged by what God tells each and every one of His servants.
He has big things in store for us.
By big things, it does not mean big material blessings (but could be, if God's calling you to use it for His glory).
By big things, it does not mean mere big fun and pleasure.
By big things, it does not mean "big enough things because what I wanted to do was too ambitious".
By big things, it means big opportunities to minister and to maximize our potentials for the glory of the Lord!

If you are a hardcore follower of Jesus, don't settle for less!
We love dreaming big things for our careers, family, etc.
Why not dream and pray for big things to happen in your spiritual journey, in your spiritual life?
Why not ask God to reveal to you what He calls you to do?
Why not allow God to search the corners of your heart and tell you what you should do with every part of it?

That's God's challenge for me as my 19th birthday approaches.
God wants me to open up my heart so I could see what's in it, to lay down my insides so I would see where I'm good at, and to roll it all together at the feet of my King and just let Him use all these for His glory.

My desire is to be used by the King
powerfully and mightily.

What are God's challenge to you in 2013? :) This is more than a New Year's Resolution! This is a commitment.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Truth or Opinion?

When you talk about the gospel, you do not share an opinion - you're the vessel of God's truth.

What things hinder you to share the gospel? :)

Modesty with a Helping Hand

I wore this outfit on Christmas day.
I liked this outfit because it had so many colors that seem to complement each other! It reminds me so much of how love works among people. :D

Christmas is indeed a season of loving and building up each other.
It is the time of the year when we are reminded of the awesome people around us who got our back.
And do you know what I realize? I realize that modesty is a community effort.

Let me tell you the first time God let me consider modesty.

The people who knew me in high school and early college would know that I'm one who was confident enough to wear sleeveless tops, shorts. At certain events, I was even willing to show the world my fat belly. (Haha, hello to my HS schoolmates who were in Sportsfest '09!) If you thought that I was brought up prioritizing modesty, you're wrong! I was even made to believe that I could wear anything and I should flaunt what I've got.

So what did God do to let me rethink how I dress?
It was when I wore the most daring outfit I've worn my life - a swimsuit.
I was with my cousins and we bonded in the summer break in Club Manila East. As you all know, it was required there to wear swimsuit. And so I did.
What do girls do on outings? They take pictures - lots of pictures. When we posted these pictures on FB, boom! God spoke to the heart of a sister in Christ to help us realize what this outfits could do. (Thanks to Ate Ree, what you did remained in my heart! ;) ) During that time, I was defensive but we deleted the album anyway. I denied its immodesty to myself. I told myself so many things to think that wearing swimsuit isn't so bad.. I wore shorts!! I thought of other Christian women who wore more daring clothes than that, just to justify what I did. But oh well, your heart would not remain so hard when it's God's love that melts it.

I saw how much God loves me - the very reason why He did not want me to stay immodest!
He wanted me to learn to protect the castle (this body) that He lent me!
That's what finally got me into modesty!

No, it wasn't all smooth. I asked so many questions at first. I did not want to take the challenge of modesty with a heart that was not 100% committed! So I had a couple of months just praying about it, asking people around me what their opinion on modesty was and consulting the most reliable source of all time - the Bible. Seeing the good things about modesty, I took the challenge, with a heart that's 100% prepared for the changes in my life that God would call me to do. Since then, God has taught me so many things, and there are a lot of things I still could learn. Isn't the journey with God exciting everyday? :)

See how it all started?
It started when a follower of Christ rebuked me without making me feel condemned. All I felt in her words was concern. That's what we should do, my dear sisters. We should help each other to pursue modesty and build each other up! We should be prepared to help, not condemn.
I admit, not at all times do I notice that my skirt is too short or my top's fabric is see through. A sister who would whisper in my ear that my outfit isn't a blessing to everyone would be greatly appreciated! A sister who would offer me a cardigan when my top is a little see through would be a great blessing! :)
On the other hand, when someone tells you that what you are wearing isn't exactly helping your brothers and sisters, be open-minded and humble enough to listen as if it's God talking to you... because when if it pierced your pride, it may indeed be God talking to you through your sister!! ;)

My sister-in-law's gift complemented the flowers in the skirt. It makes the pinkish reddish stuff in the skirt pop out a little more :) I did not wear it when we went out thoughh, to tone down the outfit a little.
Yellow earrings! They were simple, in contrast to the busy skirt.
Necklace: Ate Aimee's gift ;) || Belt: Ate Ann's gift ;) || Top: Forever 21 || Skirt: Thrifted
 I wore this on Christmas day to let the world know how happy I was for what Jesus did on the cross!
This was inspired by that event. The floral pattern even gave me the idea of how I bloomed and grew as a person because of Jesus. I knew that without His grace, I would never be the person I am today! Hehe. That outfit is deep, it has an interpretation. There's a lot of art in fashion, after all! :)

So I celebrated Christmas with special people.
I played Pinoy Henyo with my brother, his girlfriend Ate Ann, and my mom. I had Kuya Pao as my teammate..

Guess who won? Of course my mom and Ate Ann! It's Christmas - Kuya Pao and I had to act like idiots to make them win. We want them to experience victory, we were that selfless.. HAHAHA KIDDIN'! Truth is, we lost because we were not good at this! =))
Then we went to SM Taytay. It was quite crowded, like divisoria. Hahaha.
My brother's girlfriend. My pseudo sister too ;)
My lovely mom! Who would ever guess her age right? Hehe :)
We ate shawarma. Turkish Shawarma is by far the best shawarma we tasted. Any suggestion of brands that tastes better? :P (we'll be able to taste Qatar's shawarma in January, my dad's special-request pasalubong! Hahaha!)

Then we enjoyed buko shake at Coco Fresco :) I had Coco-Choco Syrup (Hershey's Syrup) added which made the buko shake more exciting! Though Kuya Pao and I had to rush home a little later because of what buko gave our tummies for Christmas.. If you know what I mean.. Haha!
I also had my hair curled when my mom bought a curling iron. My mom really loves fixing my hair. She's the one most conscious about my hair. Haha sorry for the blurry picture.

What did you do on Christmas day itself? Did you enjoy it well with the people you love most? :)

Friday, December 28, 2012


Photo grabbed here.
Everyone fears something.
Heights, the dark, cockroaches, spiders, dogs, confined space, worms..
The list of the things that make certain people fearful is endless! Could you even believe that there are people who have a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth? (Arachibutyrophobia) :D

What do you fear?
I used to think that I do not fear anything. I am a girl who was not scared of cockroaches, heights, spiders, whatever and even the dark. When the group talks about fears, I always had nothing to share. But this brings me to think, if I have no fear, no fear at all, why do some things bother me? Why are there things that make me worry? Aren't those things counted as fears?

There are fears that are more common, yet more denied.
Did you ever tremble thinking of what future awaits you? Fear of the future.
Did you ever got yourself thinking too much of what could be the right words to say as you confess to your crush? Fear of rejection.
Did you ever torture yourself with pragmatism because you want no loopholes to pull you down? Fear of failure.
Did you ever become desperate finding the one you'd want to marry? Fear of growing old alone.
There are many other things that scares people. Some fears gives people a few minutes of screaming and closing your eyes tightly, some fears haunt you and bring years of terror in your life that might affect crucial decisions you make.
You might even have millions of fears before you even realize it.

I'd ask you again, what do you fear?
You might fear hell, responsibilities, losing someone. We all have something that would kick us out of balance. Something that would break our stance. I think that's one reason why people keep on fighting to survive! We all want to overcome struggles, we all want to know how it would feel without fear oppressing us.

Is it possible to live without fear?
Lately the enemy has been injecting in my mind fears I didn't have before.
People fear anything uncertain.
Have you ever been in a scenario with a missing cockroach? It was flying and crawling around you until you lose sight of it. How does it feel? It feels scary, you put your guards up because you worry that anytime it could fly up to you. Why does one tremble at the dark? Because you don't know what danger could be surrounding you. That's how we fear uncertainty.
Where can we ever get certainty?
What God's telling me is that only He can give us the certainty that washes out any fear. We cannot be certain of what specifically is going to happen, but looking up to God, we become certain and assured that all He vies for is whatever's good for us. When you know where to put your trust in everything, you'll be able to fully realize the assurance of God's promises.

If you are assured that there is a God who's indeed certain of what's to happen, fear of the things of the world subside.

When you allow God to shed light to the road you're walking on, you don't have to worry about anything.
But then, walking on the path His light points to you is still a choice. You can choose either to walk in the narrow path with the light ray or to walk in the widest path minus the light.

God does not want us to fear petty things, He wants us to have fear in Him, not because He is egotistical, but because He knows that fearing Him would be the motivation for us to follow His light.

1. Everyone fears something.
2. It is uncertainty that scares us!
3. God doesn't want us to fear, that's why He shed light to the path we walk on.

Is there fear of fearing something? Haha random question. :P
Kidding aside, what fears do you want to overcome? :)

How Big would This Become? :)

"Our bright heroic women are being made the fool.
A fool to think that to be loved they must be naked.
To be noticed they must be sexualized.
To be admired they must be objectified."
- Saige Hatch

Hatch is a 15-year-old who started a modesty club in her school that touched hearts of thousands. :) Read article here. Their area's mayor even granted her a proclamation - "the city has declared Dec. 3 through the 7 'Modesty Week' in South Pasadena." Sweet!

Hmm.. I wonder.. What might be God's plan for pushing me to start this blog?
What do you think? What are the possibilities? :D

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Underwear worn as Outerwear

Photo grabbed here.
Underwear worn as outer wear.
That's a trend eating up women today. Corsets, bandeau and other underwear are now worn as tops! Isn't it exciting, not just for the fashion forward, but also for the perverts?

Read from an article that underwear as outer wear is a manifestation that there's no such things anymore as fashion dos and don'ts. Women do patronize this trend, I see it everywhere, worn on the streets, in the malls, in events, in the television. everywhere!

Wearing these makes a fashionista think of her freedom to express herself. Freedom from rules of fashion, freedom to express personal aesthetic taste, freedom to do anything she wants. But when you go out of your house, you're not the only one with freedom, you also give the world freedom to lust at you.

This trend is technically wearing lingerie with more casual patterns for casual wear.
Do not underestimate the imagination of some men! Haha! Some may be the kindest person you've ever met, but it does not exempt him from having struggles with lust. Wearing lingerie is something married women do when they're in bed with their husband. Wearing lingerie-like clothing out in the world may easily provoke men to think of how you would look in bed. :(

Moreover, these items should be seen only by your labandera or your future husband. Exposing these to the world will lose its worth and might actually affect your intimacy with your husband. Isn't it special when your future husband knows that your body wearing undies is an exclusive view for him? ;)

Maybe you've seen fashionistas sport looks with underwear as outer wear. You could have seen this everywhere, even on yourself.
Corset as a top matched with fabulous pants, a bandeau as top with the high waist maxi skirt, wearing bra alone underneath  your see-through blouse or even that cute bustier dress with great print.
These do not make a difference. These looks are so suggestive, especially that not all men will admire how fashionable you are. Most do not appreciate the pattern of your pants or the bright color of your corset. Most would only drool at you.. which may disrespect your boyfriend (or future boyfriend), or your husband (or future husband), or even your dad - the men of your life!

Let me share an actual event. I take LRT2 everyday going to school.
One morning, I saw a girl wearing only a bra underneath a sleeveless chiffon top and denim shorts. The chiffon blouse was beige and underneath was a bright yellow bra. It was bright yellow, mind you. She was little chubby but was very pretty, with fair skin that was attractive enough.
The girl seems to be a student in a prestigious school, but the people around her did not mind.
What did I feel seeing her? My heart ached so much. :( If I had a cardigan with me, I was very willing to give it to her. :( Her body screamed at everyone, her belly-button, her chest, her legs, everything. :( I wanted to cover it so badly :( It really pained me whenever I see her even at my peripheral view. :(( I did not know what to do!! 'Cause I thought that if I talked to her, I could offend her.. I don't know how to handle such situations yet, admittedly :( I looked around the train and guess what I saw, men of all ages, students, adults, professionals, even a couple of men who were with their families, takes a glimpse of her every now and then! I had a desperate feeling to protect her from those stares.. But I did not know how. :(( I almost cried :(
When many people got off at Legarda station, this girl sat beside me. I was surprised to see her at a different and closer angle, I literally see too much :( And it really saddened me and made me hate this trend so much!

Some say that women should not be chained by men's struggle with lust. Some say that women should still be able to do whatever they want without considering men. But what should we do? In our world blinded by wickedness, it is inevitable to meet men who struggles with lust. Letting everyone see you in underwear makes you an object of their lust. :( Ouch!

These are cute but .. no way! They're uncomfy! Haha!

Don't be like superman who wears underwear as an outer wear.
It does not make you a superhero.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Freedom Gives our Lives Color!

Some might say that my modesty challenge makes me limited.
Modesty makes me select which to wear and which I shouldn't wear.
I might not be able to sport some fashion trends because they may defy the principles I stand on.

But am I really that limited?

After months of soaking myself in the idea of modesty, I realized that the vast world of fashion would cater even my modest inclinations today.
Fashion offers so much that it caters any style that fit any personality.

And I proclaim to the world the core of my fashion style.
The highlight of my fashion style is its purpose - to glorify God!
I don't feel limited at all. In fact, I feel freedom.

Ladies, I want you all to feel what I am feeling. :)
I don't feel scared of what others will think of my dress.
As long as I have the assurance that God is pleased with what my outfit, I am freed from all insecurities!
I also have the freedom to express my happiness with different pieces that could be edgy or toned down with comfort and contentment while wearing them. While wearing them, no catcalls or stares, or even discomfort sitting (because undies might show if short/skirt is too short & loose), would chain me and keep me from doing things I should do.
I am not the slave of what I wear - I beat my clothes and make them my slave! Haha!

This freedom is really something, don't you think?
But I tell ya, without what Jesus did that cleansed us from sin, I would not be able to have this kind of freedom! No fashion style would free me from all the insecurities. No statement pieces would prevent me from sinning or provoking others to sin..
Jesus's love and humility manifested in the life He lived here warrants us this freedom!
And that's what we celebrate this Christmas :)
Don't underestimate this freedom, 'cause it touches every aspect in your life! Yes, even fashion ;)

Watch: Skechers | Blue Bracelets w/ Gold Chains: Gift | Black Shirt: f&h | Skirt: Thrifted ;)
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
- John 8:36 (ESV)

I wore this on Christmas Eve. At TFCN's Candlelit service, the Worship Team had to wear clothes in  Christmas colors.. I can't think of one color so I wore them all! :P Maxi skirts are so comfortable! Plus, it is a statement piece that would surely make any outfit unboring.

So here's a creepy picture of my foot.. =))
Gifts from Ate Shallie & Ate Grace. :)

Ate Shallie's gift! I super love it! It has my fave colors on it :D
I bought my blue bracelet with Ate Kamyl, during our first Christmas date last year.. She's my brother's girlfriend now. Yey! :>
She brought me blueberry graham balls :D Look at the plating.. And appreciate it! Hehe
Garlic Pasta from Ate Kamyl :) Yummy!

A little later, Kuya Pao and his girlfriend Ate Ann arrived.. And gave us their gifts! Yey!! :) These two are Kuya's gift to me and mom. Mommy was a little camera shy that night.. Hehe
Ate Ann's gift :D

Christmas is the remembrance of the grandest gesture of love! How are you enjoying the freedom to love with the people around you? :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

TFCN Candlelit Service

Christmas Eve is best spent with your family..
For 5 years now, I've been spending it with TFCN, my family by the blood of Christ. :)
When it's December 24, you are sure to expect a Candlelit Service in TFCN.

Together, we commemorate the grandeur of what our Lord has done for us. It is indeed something only He can do - save us. When the Word became flesh on the first Christmas, the greatness of God consumed that little cutie patootie baby! Think of an infant you know. Do you realize how Jesus would have looked when He was still the baby in the manger? What might be His first word? "Love"? Haha! That's something I'd really ask Him when the time comes that I'd be with Him in heaven :)

Seriously though, that act was grand! Imagine being so powerful yet limited by a baby's body? Mary and Joseph had to change Jesus's nappy when He peed. When He was an infant, He cries when He's hungry. He does not stand up and miraculously become full. He was flesh like all of us. 

But He was not the famous Baby Jesus all His life! He grew. He was not a baby forever! (Well, that's an easy one. However, some people think of Jesus and think of His baby version, forgetting how powerful He actually is)

Like all of us, He grew into a man. And like all of us, He experienced many things growing up.
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin." – Hebrews 4:15
When I think of Jesus, I think of how humble and loving He is. He indeed came to serve and not be served. (Mark 10:45) He served us by doing something no one else can ever do for us..... He saved us with His blood.

We see God's sweet sincerity when He says that He loves us so much whenever we're reminded of how He demonstrated this by stepping into our wicked world. He was the Father who did not mind all the heartaches He would be suffering here on our world, because what pains His heart most is seeing His children lost in darkness.

The only thing we can do for the greatness of this is be thankful in every way.
And for last night, together with my church family, we, together celebrated that special day that changed our lives!

 There were so many lights last night!
Right after the Praise and Worship, the Tamayo kids surprised us with their cutie Christmas Soldier performance! Too cute!!
Who's the cutest among them? It's sooo hard to decide! Cutie patooties!
The Dads also had their gift for Jesus. They sang while Kuya Danny did some interpretative dance. Good job Kuya Danny! ;)
Family choir. Aaron's talent indeed touches hearts.. He's only 16 (or 15?) years old.
Caleb Mark, my cutie inaanak, sat beside me for a few minutes.. (and lovely mars Gracie) Sweet!

Here's Pastora Luz who shared with us the reasons why Jesus chose to shed light on humanity.
Firstly, the world was in darkness.
          We were blind. We weren't physically death but because of the wickedness around, we were as good as dead. The darkness consumed us, it destroyed us, it tries to sniff out every little light we have. Like a black hole that devours every star that comes near it. Everyone experiences oppression. It comes in different forms, and all it does is pull us away from what we were made to do and to experience.
          If Jesus was not sent to die for our sins, we would all be consumed by suffering and hopelessness.
Jesus is the only light.
          Only He could shed light to what the world has become. Others who would claim to be the solution to all the darkness of this world is not from God.
          We need light to live just as plants need light to survive. Only His light would give us the life we were made to live - eternal life.
          Light would only be given to those who believe and follow. Light cannot be gained just by doing good works, by being generous in giving to the poor, by going to church, or even by preaching the gospel! Light is sincerely believed and its direction is followed. ;)
To Save us from the Coming Judgment
          How do you receive His light? Hearing about Jesus does not make you automatically saved.
          Don't be silent followers - shed the little light of yours to let the whole world know about your Great Source of Light! :) 

 Lighting of the candle

We had our own Christmas Station ID! The videographers "special offering" for God :)

The voices you hear were actual voices of TFCN's Worship Team members ;)

"For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6

Praise God for everything! All this celebration is not enough to express the joy He gives us =D>

How are you celebrating the reason for all the good things in life? :)