Tuesday, January 15, 2013

GENCON: 2013 No Eye Has Seen! :)

After 8 and a half years of ministry, Generation Congregation, TFCN's youth service, will be moved to a new time slot!
Two months ago, God blessed (and surprised) our church with a new place. That time was a pretty amazing moment where we encountered God as a church! We weren't even praying for something as specific as "Lord, give us a new place because we think we need one.." But for sure, God heard His servants in our congregation who prayed for expansion.
For more than two months now, we've been using Peak Sun Building, formerly CCF, with the most ideal location (it's located along Ortigas Extension), for some activities of our youth group. It's for free! May God bless the dearest hearts of the owners of this place! We only pay for the electricity and other utility bills. This arrangement would last for 2 years.
 Gencon moved there (from TFCN's Main Sanctuary on L. Wood St.) on the First Sunday of December.

And just last Sunday, we also had a new time slot.
For 8 years, Gencon start after the sun has set. Last Sunday, we launched Gencon's new time slot.
It's now at 4 o' clock in the afternoon. :)

 It was the first time that Gencon would start with this bright sky. Plus, Peak Sun building is filled with windows. That's why we really did feel the afternoon! Hehe. It was even the first time we greeted each other "Good afternoon!" at Gencon.

It was really fun. This change in our place and venue is a great reminder that God is not done yet with this generation. This new life of Gencon is really a fresh start for everyone part of it. The time slot and venue change, for me, represents fresh and exciting encounters with God.

Personally, it reminded me that we should have a bigger vision for our Church! We should not settle for less; the Church has a lot to do. There are lot of souls walking astray, needing to realize God's love. That's why we should never stop wherever we're at. We should never stop running. We should run like there's no tomorrow! Not for ourselves, not even for our Church. But only for God!

This change is a symbolism of us stepping out of our past.
Gencon, let us rise up as we leave our past mistakes behind and carry only the lessons we got from them.
Let us remove the excess baggage so we could run faster than ever towards the goal of reaching out to souls yearning for love.
Let us do our best in fulfilling the roles God gives to each of us.
Because this year, we would surely witness, as God's congregation.
Things that no eye has seen.

In my opinion, the new time slot really fits the change of venue.
Besides crossing the highway becoming less scary, GC ending at 6pm means a lot of small group time for everybody!! :) Just like the old days when the old PGIF was alive. After the youth service, small groups meet and share and laugh and have a good time with God in their midst. :">

Four of my small group members. Hannah, Abby, Claudine and Tiara. <3
Pretty women of God! They're the loveliest ladies in my eyes. :">

However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"
- 1 Corinthians 2:9

This new time slot is really working for most of us. I'm so excited for more Sundays coming! :)

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