Monday, January 21, 2013

All This Time

It was the first time generation congregation heard her voice. Last January 20, 2013, she proclaimed God's greatness when she used her gift in singing to this wonderful song.
It was such a blessing to all of us who heard and received the dear message of the song she shared. :)

"Every heartache and failure, every broken dream
You're the God who sees, the God who rescued me
his is my story."

What are your hidden talents tapped by God this very moment? What are those special things about you that God wants you to use for His glory? :)

Modesty Servant

I particularly like this shirt (although the print is already giving up) because it has a very special verse in it.

"If your gift is to serve, serve them well."
- Romans 12:7

I bought this shirt for a reason. It was sold last year to raise funds for Ate Janary Suyat, one of our youth pastors, to be used for her mission trip to Meso-America. She was chosen to be one of the 12 young people, among many other applicants around the globe, to be sent to Meso-America and serve 7 places there. Read more of the awesome work of God in 12:7 Serve at their Facebook page. You could also visit Ate Janary's blog and find really good reads! :)

The 12:7 Serve mission trip was last year. But, buying this shirt, I am constantly reminded of the meaning of the mission trip's theme verse. "If your gift is to serve, serve them well."
This shirt is my favorite shirt when there are outreach programs and stuff. Because this shirt constantly reminds me of a very important concept.
This word can never be understood by people who were blinded by darkness. The Enemy always wants us to learn how to satisfy ourselves, and be an oblivious slave of his dark ways. But because Jesus Christ chose the Cross to shed light to us who were once doomed to die, we are given an opportunity to grasp the meaning of servanthood. More than that, His grace also warrants us the riches we enjoy when we learn Christ-like servanthood.

What does it mean to be a Christ-like servant?
1. Being humble in recognition of the sovereignty of his Master.
2. Dying to self. A servant allows the desire to serve his master to overpower all the selfish desires in his heart.
3. Christ-centered servanthood. This kind of servanthood does not come from our personal strengths. This kind of servanthood is the overflow of Christ's transforming power in us.
 If you look at it closely, modesty is also a way we serve God, our brothers, and even our sisters. These three things that makes one a Christ-like servant are very important in pursuing modesty.

1. Humility. I read how a person allows change in her life. After gathering information about the things that she should practice, there would be disturbance. The organized principles you are currently standing on would be greatly disturbed. Before, you were confident about what you wear, until God told you a fresh idea called modesty. You have your usual practices disturbed as they are re-evaluated by this new idea. It takes so much humility to continuously allow God to transform every flawed perspective and let Him transform our hearts
2. Self-denial. If you pursue modesty and realize its beauty, you would be willing to deny yourself. All the selfish desires you have, would be willingly put aside (but that doesn't mean it would be easy. but you will be willing to do so, nonetheless). We women have different reasons why we were immodest pieces. However, if we decide to look at modesty as a way to serve God and people, we should stop following what we want, and start following what God wants! Before deciding whether certain pieces are modest, make sure that you first put aside your own bias, and assess it according to God's standards! 
3. Christ-centered. Nothing can ever inspire a person to pursue the kind of modesty that transforms lives, besides Jesus Christ. No one can ever learn to use modesty to serve God, if God is not the center of her modesty. Long skirts, long sleeves, and everything else that covers the physical are not as powerful as when a person is enveloped by the majesty of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, no one can serve people consistently and mightily, if he does not get his resources from Jesus. :)

 I like wearing statement shirts like this because it tells everyone that Jesus lives and His Word is alive and kicking in our world today!
I think that statement shirts are best worn in a modest way. I remember seeing a guy wearing a Christian statement shirt while smoking and saying all the bad words available in the world. It's similar to when we wear statement shirts with shorts/mini skirts. It defeats the purpose of sharing God to people through the what we wear, right? :)
Shirt: City on a Hill Creatives || Skirt: Forever21
Visit City on a Hill Creatives' Facebook Page ;)

How does modesty become a service to men and women? What are your opinions? :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Shake Malignant Insecurity Off!

Photo grabbed here.

Insecurity is malignant.
It's like cancer that spreads throughout your life, affecting every aspect of your being.
Yes, it affects your spiritual life too.

You could be immensely insecure about your body. You see people around you with "effortlessly" great bod. You wonder why you did everything - from diet, to jogging, to going to the gym, but have never been in that great shape.
You could be insecure about your finances/career. Why were there people born with a golden spoon? Those who buy cameras, gadgets, clothes, etc. whenever they feel like spending. Those who go out of the country at least ten times a year. Those who don't really need to study anymore..
Insecurity could also envelope your thoughts on relationships. Why do others have so many friends while you only have a few, napilitan pa. Why do others have the happiest boyfie-girlfie relationship? When would God give you your honeybunch?! Hahaha
It can also be an insecurity that affects your behavior. You recalled the big sin you have, you feel somewhat trapped in it. You don't think you can do great things because of what you did in the past. You think that the same hands that committed that sin cannot do the work that is for God.
And like mine, your insecurity could rise when you evaluate your talent. Why am I trying so hard, while others who don't appear to be better in the field?

I was crying one night when I thought of my talent insecurity. Afterwards, I had my quiet time with the Lord.

First and foremost, insecurity mocks the creation of God.
One of the things Jopel told me about insecurity was that it's about looking down on yourself. When you look down on yourself, it's somehow directed to God. Because He's the one who made you. He did not just formed you, He was very thoughtful when He created you. Remember Psalm 139:14?

Insecurity is defined by Pastor James MacDonald as, "the awareness of the gap between who I want to be and who I am."

You want to be the most beautiful girl with the greatest body. But you are not.
You want to be the best artist around, and people will appreciate your work so much they bring you fame. But apparently, that's not happening yet.
You want to do great things for God. But you think that you are that disdainful sinner in your whole lifetime.

Every insecurity you have certainly has a direct or indirect impact on your worship to the Lord.
It's hard for you to appreciate His work in you, because you think you are less than who God thinks you are (and can be). You fail to see the good works God has prepared for you in advance because you are busy grieving about your flaws. You become saturated with complaints and futile requests to God, thinking that you feel empty because you are not perfect yet.. Now it sounds stupid when you read words that describe insecurity, eh? So what if you are not perfect by the world's definition? This does not keep you from experiencing God! And besides, insecurity is definitely not from God.

Moreover, when you indulge in insecurity, you are more focused on yourself and not on God!

Insecurity is manifested in many ways. Some are:
Seeking attention
Excessive Shyness
Jealousy and Distrust
Being overly critical of others
Defensive to other people's criticisms
Maintaining a safe distance from people
Tries to please men in everything she/he does
Dominating (conversations & in position/power)Confirming self-worth through boy-girl relationships
Joking inappropriately (even in expense of others' feelings)Thirsting for the best of everything (clothes, gadgets, food, trips, whatever)
(Yes, I did some research :D)

Let us honestly evaluate ourselves. Truth hurts, right? But don't worry. The truth sets you free.
When you realize that you have insecurities and lift them up to God, you would feel His healing moving through them. :)

Now what?
What do we have to do our insecurity?

1. Focus on what God wants you to be, and not what your selfishness wants you to be.
Who you are today is a significant part of who God wants you to be!
From your strengths to your weaknesses, from your assets to your flaws. These play a role in God's story in your life. Do not let the negative part of you rob you of your security.

Maybe you are not that sexy so you wouldn't be over-obsessed about your body? When I was in elementary, I remember how I would reason out why my hands are particularly rough compared to other girls' hands. I said to myself, "Siguro kaya hinayaan ni God na maging ganto, para di ako magboyfriend dahil mahihiya ako makipag-holding hands." Haha!
On a more serious note, we have to be reminded that God works in our weaknesses so the world would see His glory. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Pastor MacDonald declared, "This is the awesome thing about being a Christian. even my errors in judgment, even my foolishness, even my weakness, when I get in partnership with God, He is able to work all things for the good of those who love Him." (Romans 8:28)
It could also be possible that you are only exaggerating your flaws! You might not be as unlovely as you think. If you look at yourself with God's eyes, are you really that untalented? Are the things you complain about the truth about who you are?
Be secured in who God says you are! :)

2. Build your God story one chapter at a time.
It could be God's will to bring you across the gap between who you want to be and who you are today. Yes, He would be very willing to transform you to that person you dream to be, but not for your own sake. Rather, He would want to you to be excellent for His glory!
 I think this is especially applicable when you are insecure about the gifts God has given you. You somehow think that God wants you to be excellent, but you are not yet as good as you want to become. I tell you, that does not happen overnight. And besides, God would be with you because He would be the One to nurture your gifts into something amazing.
My weakness is that I compare the ability I have to what is on others' hands. That should never be my perspective! I know that this ability is from God. He has given me this one not to make me anxious about not measuring up to people's expectations. He has given me this one because I would have great encounters with Him as I witness His loving hands working to upgrade this gift! :)

3. Concentrate on God and not the gap.
Whether God wants to bring you across the gap or not, it is best to seek God in the situation.
You are not in a competition of who wins most approval of God!
I never imagined God saying, "Oh, you're more talented than this guy.. That's why I love you more."
So there's no need to indulge in unhealthy perfectionism!
What I say is, focus on what God wants you to be and consider who you are today as part of God's story in your life! :)

A Bible character that showed so much insecurity was Moses. When God commanded him to lead Israel, his insecurities showed. He would even choose to avoid confrontation of his insecurities, even though it could mean less chances to encounter God. The Lord assured him that He's got his back, but Moses still doubted. However, a little later in the life of Moses, God was performing miracles through him!
That's why you shouldn't fret about your weaknesses.

Insecurity tends to highlight your flaws
and downplays the power of God in you!
Shake insecurity off, don't wait for it to devour the best part of you, like cancer. ;)

If you want to hear more about insecurity, you can watch this:
Here are Part 2 and Part 3. :)

"That's whole bottom line why Satan makes you insecure. It's that he doesn't want you to step out and do what God has called you to do.
God is the cure for the insecure."

What are your insecurities? How are they manifested? How would deal with them? :)

Killing did stop at Kaytikling! :)

This incident happened exactly one year ago.
It was a mourning day for everyone in Taytay.
I remember it very clearly. I was at home when this happened.. Our house is just a few hundred meters away from Tikling. We were all shocked when we heard a "Boom!" somewhere. Although, most of us ignored it.. My uncle saw people walking to Tikling to see what really happened, as news flew fast.

There they saw the chaos. Tikling was literally filled with people.
Reporters, townspeople, those who were just about to pass by Tikling but were supposed to go to Antipolo/Angono/Cainta.
It happened at around 11:30am.
It was heart-breaking to know that the truck crushed a little kid's and his parents' dreams. He was an elementary student :( It also killed someone innocently walking on the sidewalk. He wasn't even jaywalking or whatever! It also killed a guy riding his motorcycle. And of course, it killed the people in the truck. 
The truck was filled with soil. It was very heavy, that's why it ran at that rate, even going through the concrete barriers.
I went there myself and saw this..
Photo grabbed here. (Go to site at your own risk. x( But please don't.. )
Okay, I saw only the crushed truck without all the water and people. I went there at night.

It was really heart-breaking. Nobody wanted that to happen. But sadly, it wasn't the first time! :(
People even call it the "Killer Junction".
It was very prone to accident.

Just a few months ago, a truck from Antipolo lost its brakes. Another from Cabrera Road rushed as it also had mechanical problems. Although, these two happened at midnight where there were less people hurt. Even before these two happened, many other accidents killed or hurt vehicle drivers. :( Accidents in this junction threatened people's lives for years!

That's why, exactly a week after this accident, our youth pastors spear-headed a Prayer Rally for this junction. Tikling is very near to our church, most of our members pass by it in most days of their lives. This is one way to show the town that God can give our townspeople protection, if the government or truck owners wouldn't.
Along with other adults, we went to Tikling at 11:30am, the same time it happened. We stood there silently praying for the killer junction, praying to Stop the Killing in Kaytikling.

TV5 was there to document our prayer rally. They interviewed our youth pastors. Unfortunately, their news report did not present what we did showing the real motives of our prayer rally. :( Haha. They presented it as if it was a political move.

Photos of prayer rally grabbed from gencon.multiply.com.
Some people joined us in praying for Kaytikling.
I talked to the mango vendor who I thought had the grimmest view of what happened with the truck incident. She talked to me. She was really sad of what happened - the kid killed by the truck was her son's classmate. She said that the boy was very masipag. In the morning, he would sell rags so that he would have baon for the rest of the day..

While some show their disapproval on what we did. I remember silently standing, praying for this junction. When a man driving a rather expensive van, rolled down his windows and talked to me..
"What are you doing?"
"We are praying for this junction, sir."
"Praying? Is this a rally of some sort? Are you blaming the government or whatsoever?"
"No, sir. We're just praying to God that nobody gets hurt again in this junction."
"Praying?! Don't you think talking to the company of the truck owners, or the government, more effective in solving this problem in Tikling?"
I didn't answer back, 'cause I know what he's trying to do.. I tried to tap the older Christians beside me.. But yea, their silence reminded me. Hey, we're here to pray, not to debate or whatever. Just pray with us, sir? Hehe.

Look at the one year that passed.
No accidents :)
The rotonda and the overpass promised by DPWH and the jailing of jaywalkers we don't see today.
(you can hear about this in the video I posted above)
But God's hands? It's so tangible in Tikling Junction.
Indeed, only God can stop the killing at Kaytikling.

Praise God for His faithfulness! :)

What are you doing to show your town how God loves?
"For greater things have yet to come 

And greater things are still to be done in this City"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

GENCON: 2013 No Eye Has Seen! :)

After 8 and a half years of ministry, Generation Congregation, TFCN's youth service, will be moved to a new time slot!
Two months ago, God blessed (and surprised) our church with a new place. That time was a pretty amazing moment where we encountered God as a church! We weren't even praying for something as specific as "Lord, give us a new place because we think we need one.." But for sure, God heard His servants in our congregation who prayed for expansion.
For more than two months now, we've been using Peak Sun Building, formerly CCF, with the most ideal location (it's located along Ortigas Extension), for some activities of our youth group. It's for free! May God bless the dearest hearts of the owners of this place! We only pay for the electricity and other utility bills. This arrangement would last for 2 years.
 Gencon moved there (from TFCN's Main Sanctuary on L. Wood St.) on the First Sunday of December.

And just last Sunday, we also had a new time slot.
For 8 years, Gencon start after the sun has set. Last Sunday, we launched Gencon's new time slot.
It's now at 4 o' clock in the afternoon. :)

 It was the first time that Gencon would start with this bright sky. Plus, Peak Sun building is filled with windows. That's why we really did feel the afternoon! Hehe. It was even the first time we greeted each other "Good afternoon!" at Gencon.

It was really fun. This change in our place and venue is a great reminder that God is not done yet with this generation. This new life of Gencon is really a fresh start for everyone part of it. The time slot and venue change, for me, represents fresh and exciting encounters with God.

Personally, it reminded me that we should have a bigger vision for our Church! We should not settle for less; the Church has a lot to do. There are lot of souls walking astray, needing to realize God's love. That's why we should never stop wherever we're at. We should never stop running. We should run like there's no tomorrow! Not for ourselves, not even for our Church. But only for God!

This change is a symbolism of us stepping out of our past.
Gencon, let us rise up as we leave our past mistakes behind and carry only the lessons we got from them.
Let us remove the excess baggage so we could run faster than ever towards the goal of reaching out to souls yearning for love.
Let us do our best in fulfilling the roles God gives to each of us.
Because this year, we would surely witness, as God's congregation.
Things that no eye has seen.

In my opinion, the new time slot really fits the change of venue.
Besides crossing the highway becoming less scary, GC ending at 6pm means a lot of small group time for everybody!! :) Just like the old days when the old PGIF was alive. After the youth service, small groups meet and share and laugh and have a good time with God in their midst. :">

Four of my small group members. Hannah, Abby, Claudine and Tiara. <3
Pretty women of God! They're the loveliest ladies in my eyes. :">

However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"
- 1 Corinthians 2:9

This new time slot is really working for most of us. I'm so excited for more Sundays coming! :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Modest Alternatives :)

Would only be running errands? Do you only need to buy a few stuff from your nearest supermarket?
I know the feeling.. You don't want to make your favorite clothes dirty just to do random tasks.

But are shorts the only solution? No! :)

This attire in the picture is what I wore when I had to do a few stuff in SM Taytay last Saturday. It was an ensemble of leggings, mini skirt, black camisole and jacket (it was rainy, so it was weather-appropriate).

And it felt super comfortable! (I also felt quite pretty, haha)

If I was still the old immodest me, I would have worn denim shorts, a shirt and jacket. As I go through this modesty challenge, I realize.. Why wear immodest pieces when there is a more modest alternative? :)

When I go jogging, I no longer wear my favorite university shorts/nike shorts. I wear jogging pants/leggings.
When I go swimming, I no longer my favorite swimming shorts over two piece bikini. I wear a new favorite beach dress (with shorts underneath) that is knee-length. :)
When I have to run a few errands, I no longer wear the easy favorite, shorts + shirt. I wear leggings + a longer ensemble.

You see, fashion gives us a wide variety of choices. As I've said before, its vastness can cater modest women. We do not really have to join the competition among women of who can rock the most fashion trends.
If you realize how beautiful you are in God's eyes, you no longer have to be slaves of fashion.
Rather, you'd make your fashion choices as your slaves.
You become more mindful of what you wear, not because of the compliments from people, but because you know how much God is glorified with a simple fashion choice made by a radically God-loving heart! :)

In my opinion, modesty is not defined by the place you go or by the task you do. It
 is defined by a heart timelessly devoted to God! :)

Happy me :)

 Mom had so much fun taking jump shots. She insisted that she takes more jump shots even though I was so tired already.. Hahaha!

“I do not wish them [women] to have power over men;

What are the immodest clothes you usually wear that needs to have creative more modest alternatives? :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rise up, Arenda Church! :)

It was a very busy day.. And I'm glad that I spent it with my Majesty! :)
Isn't it worth it when you know that all your sweat, all your sacrifices, and all the money you spent are only for the glory of our King? Hehe I'm indeed a happy servant! :">

I love Sundays because they are filled with church-loving and people-bonding :)

We went to Arenda Church of the Nazarene (ACN) in the morning.
We have been going to their church for more than a year already.. I forgot exactly when we started going there. It started when one of my friends wanted to train ACN's worship team. They were teenagers like us. :) We shared to them the stuff we know in playing for the worship team.  We would go there on Sundays to teach them new songs. We did that for months. And now they're good. :D Time came when there were conflicts with the schedule, so we stopped going there to teach them music.. And Jopel and I thought of mentoring them. We had small groups, accountabilities and even doctrine teaching. However, this could be the last Sunday that we could go there.. Our schedule of going there on Sunday afternoons would now clash with the new schedule of TFCN's youth service (Generation Congregation is now at 4pm!) But no, it's not goodbye. God still has many things in store for these young people. We're here praying for them and supporting them in whichever way we can.

It was their First Year Anniversary! They were an independent church for that span of time. It was tough, but through the celebration earlier, we were reminded how faithful He is to His people! Praise God! :">
What would be our response to His faithfulness to the church and to our lives?
Let's Rise Up!
That's their anniversary's theme, along with their theme chapter Ezekiel 37. :)

Pastor Sam Tamayo was their speaker.
He shared stuff about Ezekiel 37:1-10.
1. Nothing is impossible when you have faith! (Ezekiel 37:3)
     Ezekiel saw hopelessness in the dry bones in the valley. However, he knew that there are many things that only God knows, even the possibility of the rebirth of these bones. He did not deny the possibility; Ezekiel may have thought that this could be possible by directing His faith to the Sovereign Lord.
     Likewise, we should put our faith in Jesus. Not in our dreams, not in our goals. Our faith should be that His Will be done! 
2. God Himself will give the grace and blessings we need to nurture our faith.     God does not rate our faith when He's showering His blessings. It's not like school, where you get what you deserve. When God sees the littlest faith in you, He will definitely move in that little one. He does not wait for you to become the greatest person on earth - He is the one that supplies you what you need to be the greatest you could become. :)
     He also gives us blessings little by little. He nurtures our faith little by little. Pastor Sam shared how He imagined the scene in the chapter.. The dry bones assembled, then joints and ligaments appear slowly. Muscle would slowly creep up the bones until it fully covers it. Looking like a zombie, skin slowly makes the figure more human. (Ezekiel 37:7-8) And God paused.. To let Ezekiel appreciate how God will give breath and life to these bodies.
     God blesses us little by little so we would always have something to anticipate! Miracles upon miracles. God Himself will be the one that fills our life with encouragements every time we're down. He also supplies whatever we need to grow deeper in faith. 
3. The Holy Spirit would lead us towards victory.     It is the end result that is most important. And when you have God on your side, you're sure to end up victorious. The realization of this does not depend on how you read your Bible.. It relies on how much you allow God to move in your situation. :)

The Church's response to God's call to rise up. I pray that their response would not be merely raising of hands. May these only be symbols to how they would choose to rise up for God from here on forward.. :) 

Loved this kid <3

Here's Joy. Kat's sister. We also got to talk. I will miss talking to her.. She's very transparent and I know that God has big plans for her. I got a peek of her heart and I am blessed! Her heart would surely bring her to great encounters with God. :)  
Here's Ate Donna.. We had funny kulitan! Hehe and she shared a little secret........ HAHA.
(Okay, sorry for saying something you won't relate at all. Hahaha) 

 I love eating with people - great way to bond. :) It makes you feel like you are family. No wonder why there were many important things in the Bible that happened on dinnertime. :D

Here's Jopel, my ministry buddy. We became close to each other not because of ligawan or texting or whatever. We became close because of our mutual love for God that we express through ministries like what we do here in Arenda. :) I praise God for this man's life. Our sincere friendship has definitely helped me grow in immense ways! :)

 This is Kat. We had a great talk after the service.. I want to get to talk to her more often :( In person.. What could be God's plan why He allowed the schedules to conflict? But she promised to update me on Facebook. I really love this girl. She's the sweetest :">
With the other girls.. Their lovely, aren't they? Nothing makes a woman lovelier than the joy she experiences from God!

If you read this and you feel like God's whispering to your ear to pray for these young people, please do so!
And yeah, by so doing, you're taking part in the great things God has in store for them. Let's wait and see how God would be using these teenagers mightily and powerfully! :)

Who are the people you are praying for? Who are those whom you encourage to be all out for our King?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jesus loves the little children, do you too?

So things today did not go as planned, but somehow I thank God for that!
I had a great time with my nieces, as I became a baby-sitter for a day.
Not that I did everything all by myself, I was baby-sitter along with my mom..
But there were times I was actually alone with them :) (it was hard.. haha)

Whenever we are with kids, our tendency is to just enjoy their presence and play with them.
We laugh at their crazy antics! We laugh at their actions or sayings that they made to mimic the adults around them. :)
I remember the first time I heard my niece say, "Sapakin kaya kita dyan!"
It was sooo funny because you don't expect a three-year-old girl to say that, especially to someone older. I laughed so hard when I heard that! I can't help it!

I was sooo amused that I almost forgot to be Jesus's voice to this child who just threw an inappropriate  phrase. Maybe, mere laughing at her remark would affirm her thoughts that what she said was right.

However, what we usually forget when baby-sitting is that we should be a blessing to these children.
Little remarks we say, how we affirm their bad actions, how we neglect their good deeds, may have bigger impact on them than we think! When they start fighting with each other for a doll, how do you tell them that sharing is what pleases God and what makes their relationship the best thing they would imagine! :)

When we joke around about the bad things they do and make them feel as if it's okay, it has great impact.
When we tease our friends endlessly in front them, they are most likely to do that to their friends until they cry, and think that it's okay. Children look at us as the living examples of how they should act.. 
When we ignore their inquiries, letting go of the chances to explain to them stuff about Jesus, they could grow insecure and shy..

Why else do you think would 

I remember Nix saying earlier, "Di na kita love ate, kahit binigyan mo ko ng candy kanina.." I told her how Jesus loves His children no matter what they did to Him. And she asked endlessly, "Kahit na hindi siya nagshe-share? Kahit na inaaway niya ko? Dapat love ko pa rin siya?" When I told her yes, she immediately went to her sister's side and played again. It really touched my heart how receptive to God's Word these children are! That's why we should grab the chance to use our interactions with them to tell them about the truth of Jesus's love :D

You never know. The child in front of you could be the future generation's Paul, Deborah, Moses or Mary! :)

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' "
- Matthew 19:14
Dapat wag natin ipagkait sa kanila ang pagkakataon na malaman na may Diyos na lagi silang sinasamahan, binabantayan, minamahal. :)

How are you as a kuya, ate, tita, tito, mommy or daddy to the precious little children you interact with everyday? Would they look back at their childhood and remember you as a blessing?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fertile Ground to Learn to Love

Photo grabbed here

Have you ever felt like you are the lead actress of your very own teleserye?

You are sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, your face covered with tears. Tears fall uncontrollably as you remember the hurts and pains. "Why should life choose me as its own punching bag?" You ask yourself, staring blankly at the silent surrounding that seems to understand exactly how you feel but does not know what it can do about it..

In the kind of world we live in, it would not be surprising to me if one of you tell me your personal story and  make it seem like I am watching Maalaala Mo Kaya. Everyone has a share of brokenness. We all know how it feels to be broken, we just encounter it in different ways..

It could be your boyfriend you trusted with everything you have but still chose to leave you for another.
It could be your health deteriorating that makes you unrelentingly ask, "Lord, why me?"
It could be your endless financial problems that always see to it that money puts your family's bond on the line..
We all know what it feels broken.

When we experience brokenness, our tendency is to raise our guard even higher, all out of fear.
We fear thinking of the reality we're in, horrified that hope for change could be mere foolishness.
We fear to enter new relationships with other people, terrified that abandonment could happen again.
We become a little too careful about everything we do - from mere walking on the sidewalk to beginning new friendships with people. Remember Kelly Clarkson's song, Because of You?
After being broken, we are filled with fear. We all do not want more heartaches! We think that we already had enough..

Do you think that's the response that our King Jesus teaches us?

Nah.. I don't think so.

No one can ever say to Jesus that He never suffered. He did! In fact, He suffered worst than any of us. Jesus experienced not just physical pain from the cross, He also experienced emotional, mental and other kinds of pain people experience.

But in His last hours of suffering, He uttered the most unexpected thing:
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
(Luke 23:34)

In the midst of shame and suffering, Jesus loved.

Here's something we all have to realize about brokenness.
Pain and suffering make us understand more how our brothers and sisters also suffer. When we are hurt, we realize something that all the people in this fallen world share. We all share brokenness.
Amidst all your suffering, you realize how much a broken heart yearns for a hand to hold!
Your brokenness makes you relate to others in a more personal way. The excruciating hurt pushes you to make stronger connections with others.. Kapit-bisig, like how Maya would call it. (Be Careful with My Heart, hahaha)
In the middle of all the things you are going through, you learn how to love like how Jesus loves.

As you experience a deeper brokenness with a heart listening to what God to say, and with hands ready to do anything the King commands, you would learn that..
"Personal pain is fertile ground to learn to love."
- Pastor Rudy Rasmus

Someone who grew up in a broken family would know the needs of a friend whose parents just got divorced.
A girl who experienced being left by her boyfriend would know how to be a friend to girls who experienced what she did..
A rape survivor would know how to comfort a rape victim.
A broken person would know how to love another broken person.
As you hold hands to face the bitter realities of this fallen world, you would see God's healing coming through the love you share! :')

How does this apply to you? How did your own brokenness teach you to love specific people around you?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Seek God First

Seek God first. (Matthew 6:33)
You think this line goes only when you are anticipating food and clothing provision?
Nah, I think this one's true in every aspect of our lives.

Even in modesty.
Your covered body is not as righteous as you think if it isn't done with the right heart.
Did you know that being strict on the way you carry your modesty, also has the biggest temptation to be self-righteous? That's why, being modesty pledgers, we have to check ourselves regularly.
Just let God transform your heart as He transforms your wardrobe! :)

How do you know that your modesty is rooted on self-centeredness?
1. You think so highly of yourself because you're the most modest person you know.
2. Others, especially Christian women, are constant objects of your judgmental eyes.
3. It's hard for you to change ways when God rebukes you.
4. You find yourself always justifying your attire before stopping to think and really evaluate it with God's eyes.
5. You long for others to notice and give you complements for being modest!
Modesty could be a front of attention-seekers. However, it is also possible that you unconsciously do it for yourself and not for God. That's why we always need to have our motives checked by the One who really knows what's going on ;)

True modesty is not the drawing of attention to yourself. No matter how you cute you think your skirt is, or your necklace, know that modesty is not all about fishing for complements! Don't expect everyone to greet you with a.. "Oh, you're so modest."  'Cause you might just get discouraged and stop trying hard to be modest just because you think no one notices..
What I realize is, your journey towards modesty is something intimately between you and God. :)

And once you recognize that only His grace enables us to be modest, you'd learn true modesty. Modesty that aims only to give glory to the King, whose hands created everything beautiful! :)

Here are characteristics of the kind of modesty God approves of:
1. It's main and only purpose is to give God the glory!
2. It is practiced without anticipation of praises of men.
3. It is done to promote purity, above all else.
4. It makes one humble enough to accept rebukes and corrections.
5. It teaches one to consider others above herself. :) (immodest clothing can be a stumbling block not only to men struggling with lust, but also to women who look up to you)
 Indeed, modesty is a matter of the heart. It is not a list of dos and donts (although, you can make a list for yourself, like what I did, according to your convictions). Rather, modesty is the shifting others' attention from yourself to your God!

True modesty is driven by the desire that people would see Jesus in you and not yourself, your beauty, your fashion style or whatever. :) Seek God first, and more modest fashion choices and a God-centered heart will follow.
After all, God's looks at your heart.

Your beauty should be of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4 

Sorry for the wrong focus.. Mehehe. 

I liked the collared shirt I wore inside because it covered what I wanted to be covered. :P
Buy shirts from Letters from God!
Shirt: Letters from God
Check out other Christian Shirt designs on Letters from God's Facebook page. ;)

This is one of my take on how to make Meaningful Statement shirts less boring. Of course, when your shirt is worn in a fresh way, more people would be compelled to read the statement on it. :P

It was a Sunday full of girl-lovin'! :)

Our CG had lots of fun talking about how God gives New Beginnings ;)

I thought we were going to be complete that night because I wanted to celebrate my birthday with them :(
Had lotsa girl talk with Kir and Nica at Mcdonalds' Parola :)

Have you checked your heart lately? For whom is it beating for?
Let everything you do be centered on God! :D