Friday, April 19, 2013

Cheap dreams are for cheap dreamers!

Have you ever had something you bought at a bargain price?
You knew it was cheap, that's why you do not take care of it so much.
Cheap clothes? These are the stuff you would easily do a DIY with.
Cheap book? You let anyone borrow it knowing it can get lost.
Cheap phone?  With this one, you don't mind a lil scratch.
Cheap notebook? This you offer to kids to sabotage.

Ever thought you were not meant to do great things in your life?
"Err.. Those great things are only for great people. Not for me. I'm a nobody and I lead a very simple life. Great stuff? Uh-uh. Not for me."
Sometimes, our insecurities bring us into thinking that we are not as valuable as what God sees is in us.
That's why we do not value our lives too much, much less our spiritual lives.
We become too contented doing so-so stuff for God and not dreaming big.
All because we think we're little and big stuff is for pastors, or whoever else.
"Not me. I'm already contented with what I do for God."
"I go to church.. Teach kids at Sunday school.. blerbler."

And you stop there. You forget that you could actually dream and pray for something big.
You forget that you serve a big God who can do just anything.
You forget that you serve the most amazing God who deserves your best.

This is one manifestation of our insecurities
These insecurities do not come from God.
These come from the world that always tries to say that we're not good enough.
Sometimes, just so we'd buy their products, companies repeatedly tell us that we are not white enough, not flawless enough, not wise enough, not healthy enough.. We are bombarded by these all our lives.
Little insecurities from having pimples, to big ones like not being able to talk as good as <insert name her>, they overwhelm us.
We had mistakes. When we failed, people around us think we are big walking failures (or at least that's what we think).
These pile up to give us an unhealthy perspective saying that we are not good enough for anything.
So we settle oh-so-easily to doing things with mediocrity.
We think we are nobodies who lead cheap lives. Like cheap clothes, cheap phone, cheap stuff, we don't care what happens with our "cheap" lives, when we see ourselves invaluable.

Fret not. Though you may indeed have some parts of you which you could actually be insecure about, you have a limitless God where you can find your security! The great things that are ahead of you, aren't there because of your own greatness, but because of your great God. Greatness is not all about you, it's just fitting for the greatness of your God.
Yes, you might not be good enough to do great things, but your God is so great that He enables the "not-good-enough" servants to do great things!

Now that God is in the picture.. The great God whose hands made the universe, I'll ask you..
You think teaching kids at Sunday school is your best? Nah I don't think so.
Dream big and pray that your passion for kids extends, and that time would come that more kids would hear of God's love through you!
You think encouraging a few girls is you best? Nah I don't think so.
Dream big and pray that more women would hear the testimony you have, and that more who underwent the same challenges would learn from what God has done in your life!
There are many things we do today that are good enough.
But we know that these are not yet our best. We still have something to give, we still have something to offer to God!
(I'm not saying that the little things we do aren't good, they're actually admirable because we should serve God in the littlest things.. But we have to understand that God knows we can do more)
If it's God's will, the great things you would dream of would certainly come your way, just shake off the great hindrances - insecurities.
Who knows, God might have even greater things in mind for your life, so you would have an even greater encounter with Him. 

It's about time for you to break free from these insecurities that hinder you to
dream big for your ministry!
Maglilingkod ka na rin lang, sagarin mo na!

Photo grabbed here.

How are you dreaming for your ministry? How are insecurities hindering you to give God your very best?
Much, Faye

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