Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wardrobe of Grace

After weeks of deep slumber, this blog is rising again.
Not only with a new design, also with a new blog title.
I changed it after weeks of meditation about my blogging. :)

We see in the Bible how important naming is. When God wanted some of His people to take a u-turn, He sometimes changes their names according to what He called them to do.
That's why I realized that I should further meditate on what this blog should be called.

Wardrobe of Grace

Studying in Manila, I often stumble upon stinky filthy people in the streets. You would barely recognize the color of whatever they're wearing. Clothed in the street's pollution, they only receive disgust from the people around them.

Why am I saying these things? To further embarrass their kind and express utter disdain?
Nah.. I am saying this because I was once like them. Or even worse.

I did not sport their fashion, I looked all tidy and neat, clothes fragrant and neatly pressed. My skin was fair and clean, with a hint of the scent of my favorite lotion. But if you saw what was deep inside me, you would be nauseous. I was the stinkiest and the filthiest inside.

I walked the streets with judging eyes. I spoke with a prideful mouth.
My thoughts were filled by the murkiest cloud. And my hands? They did the most abominable things.

Every person I passed by could have thought that I was noble.
I knew better. I was your most terrifying nightmare.

I held my head up high so no one would notice what was under my skin. Deep down was a narcissistic monster who only loved itself.
I looked at everyone around me as a garbage bag. I get from them anything edible, and when they have nothing left to give, I leave them like how I would with trash. Surrounded by people, I felt like I was surrounded by trash. They did not know what was going on with me deep inside, so they weren't any help at all.
So I chose to wander alone, without a clue where I should go.
I did  not even understand why I should even take another step.

The hunger did not fade, thirst not quenched. What was I longing for?
I ate everything my hands land on, thinking that maybe, just maybe, that was what I was starving for.
Desperation took the best of me. I grabbed everything I could, but my stomach was still empty, raging in agony.
Everything I did tarnished my skin with dirt, wounds and bruises, etched on my insides excruciating pain. The more I tried to survive and to seek fulfillment, the dirtier I get.
I was so hungry that I even tried to eat myself. Maybe that was the only thing that could fill the monster's bottomless pit? I almost destroyed myself when I devoured my own flesh.

That was when a Man came with what seemed like the most inviting hands. He said that He came to save me from all this misery. I almost refused His offer. I always read His "Free stuff for life" signage, but I always laughed. It was too good to be true, I could be poisoned and be experimented with. But when His hands were right in front of me, I reached out mine. Pain finally numbed my entire body, so I know trying this one out would not hurt anymore.

The moment our hands touched, I was astounded.
It was not what I expected it to be. It felt phenomenal.
A tiny seed of hope was planted in my heart, it was not the end for me just yet.
He saw every horrible thing my hands did, but there's no hesitation, not even a hint, in His clean hands when it held my nasty pair.  He did not mind how much I stink. He picked me up and put His arms around me. It was the first time I experienced that sensation. I almost melted in His embrace.

He was immaculate, without a speck of any kind of dirt, yet He never showed repugnance towards me. In fact, He always touched me, touched my heart. He gave me a warm bath. He scrubbed my back, washed every blemish on my skin, until its original color shows up. He saw the wounds inflicted by my past, and He healed them one by one.

He led me to a room with a majestic wardrobe.
My heart jumped when He opened it and started clothing me with His wardrobe's glory.
He had taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.

It was my soul that was naked. It was my soul that was cold.
I attempted to warm it up by pacifying my flesh's desire. But that wasn't what I needed.
It is the wardrobe this Man opened before me that satiated my heart. That was what my soul was desperate for. I realized what it meant to truly live.
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. He clothed me as if I was His own daughter.

His powerful voice spoke, "Put on your new self. Clothe yourself in my presence. For I  satisfy the longing soul, and the hungry soul I fill with good things."

I asked Him, "Why are you doing all these things? I have never done anything to deserve your kindness.. Why did you rescue me? Why love someone as dirty as me?"

He uttered one word that wrapped me passionately.

Now I set out to do what He calls me to do.
Everyday, I go to that wardrobe and clothe myself with His grace to reach out to people who still walk astray.
I would take them by their hands, encourage them with a warm embrace, and lead them to the place where I found the Wardrobe of Grace.


Psalm 30:11 | Isaiah 61:10 Romans 13:14 | Ephesians 4:24 | Psalm 107:9
(Hover over verses to see little pop-ups of the Bible text)
Thanks @Reftagger for your sophisticated touch on my blog :)

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