Monday, June 10, 2013

It's a give and take

Black stockings was a no-no for me before, because it looks overdone. Going through more modest fashion choices, I think tights could be a best friend that could add a certain flavor to your look!
This outfit brings me back to being a kid - feeling like a princess with purple and pink stuff plus anything that glimmers! Haha
Balloons from my nieces.

Modesty is from Grace Alone

Modesty is from grace alone.
One that pleases God is not earned through your own efforts - it is God who enables you to be modest, He is the One who molds your heart to be centered on Him alone.

This said, we do not have license to be prideful of being "modest".
Taking the step towards modesty could make someone boastful of this feat. It could make a girl feel that she's the most respectable, noble woman in the world! It could make her feel as if she's really precious, like the royal princesses and queens. It could make her feel more respectable than others.

She could feel entitled to that respect - and, along with that, entitled to judge the girls who doesn't really practice modesty. I don't know what motivates you to pursue modesty, it may be a Christian boyfriend, a sermon, a blog like this, or the Philippine's conservative culture. One thing's for sure - you learn stuff about modesty all because of God. Never because of your own doing.

When you recognize that every realization comes from the Lord, you should realize next that you have no right to judge other women. You have no right to compare yourself to "immodest" girls and see them lowly.
"Look at her! What a dress. What's she doing? Selling herself to every guy she sees?"
"Yuck! I would never ever wear such thing! Why did she wear that? She looks like a prostitute."

These are things women of the world say!
A woman who follows God would never judge so easily, without looking beyond the clothes. Where did the immodesty come from? Is it because of her insecurity? Does she dress that way because she thinks no one would like her otherwise? Is it because of her family who brought her up to think that she should please the people around her? Is it because she does not know the impact of immodesty to the community around her and to herself?

After knowing the root of her immodesty, I bet you would never talk so judgmental about her again. Immodesty is just a manifestation of brokenness inside. We all experience brokenness. That immodest girl do to. She needs someone who'll look at her heart first, not her clothes. She needs love, not the list of what to wear and not to wear.

If God-pleasing modesty comes from the heart, the only way to help girls struggling with immodesty is touching their hearts.
Not judgmental eyes.
Not gossips.
Not even an out-of-place correction.

Be Christ-like in responding to women who are immodest.
How do you think did Jesus interact with the prostitute? How do you think did He talk behind her back?
He surely did not judge her outside appearance.
He reached out His hand to her and moved in her heart.
And everything else followed..

You? How are you guilty of judging women because of their clothes?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

He moves like the Wind

Last night I prayed that God would sweep through MMF's event Treads and Dreads like a wind! And He did! While Christafari's lead vocals was praying with those who responded, a powerful wind blew! I watched as the mini tent above the stage danced wildly at the wind..

After Christafari's number was the only time the rain poured - it's as if God was saying,
"See how I held the clouds and kept them from showering rain? See these people with their arms raised, with their eyes closed?
I am moving, I am alive."

Seeing all those people dancing at the last song.
Wake up, sleepers! Hands up, new believers!!

How about you? How did God show you His power lately?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hearts and Minds Set Above

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
- Colossians 3:1-2

This world has a lot of ways to stress one out. It certainly knows how to push one to the limits - but still feel empty!

  • You do your best to be called successful in this world.
  • You try to pursue the temporary pleasures this world offers.
  • You desire the approval of the world, its earthly residents and their earthly standards.

Being raised with Christ gives us freedom, for we know that our lives here on earth is not the end of it all.

However, even though we are just passers-by in this world, it is so easy to get distracted by the world's demands, and base our "life" on the its definition of life.

We have to be constantly reminded to set our hearts and minds on things above, and not on earthly things.
Along with the cross, we must put to death the version of yourself you have known for years - and allow God to create in you a new creation, as you are raised with Christ.

"When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." - Colossians 3:4

What are the  things of this world you want to turn away from in order to set your heart and mind above?
Much, Faye

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bright + White

His grace allowed me to renew my fashion style - a style that gives me freedom from my old self.

Ombre jeans! I don't know what these are, not leggings. Not jeans either, more stretchy (and comfy) than usual. Plus it's ombre!! Kahit na sabi nila nung Limitless camp, parang nabasa yan =))
Blue + yellow = happy vibe!
Top: F&H | Bracelets: Accessorize | Pants: SM Dept Store | Shoes: Unlisted
These jeans are as comfy as your favorite leggings, but it isn't as form-fitting as that.
Great alternative!
For a hot weather, wear white.
To show the world how happy you are in the Lord, bright colors! 

All because of Grace

Last Saturday, we, Gencon ladies, had our day out!
It was a lot of fun! I got to talk to and to make kulit to some of the genconers who were new to me.
The GC Ladies' Day Out is definitely something I anticipate every summer!
I have no biological sister. This activity makes me appreciate how God showered me with great sisters I have in Him! Haha! Watch video at the end of this post to see what we were up to  

I am so thankful to Ate Jana (her blog here) for giving me an opportunity to share some things that I've learned about Modesty. It was my first time to talk in front of around 30 ladies about this, that's why it was very memorable.

From the moment I read Ate Jana's message telling me of the opportunity I have to share about modesty to these girls, until the end of my talk, I can only think of one thing.
I am so undeserving.

If you saw how I dress in the first few months of January 2012, you would never ever think that I would actually encourage others to pursue modesty. If you rewind a lot further, you would see a naive girl who does not care, at all, how much skin she was showing.

There was even a shopping moment in my life when I literally cried to my parents, asking them to buy a tube top for me! Could you imagine that? Haha. They ended up buying me a yellow tube. I never wore it, only because the label was so itchy. If it weren't, I would be willing to walk around wearing it. That was when I was only 12 years old!

A few years after that desperate-for-an-immodest-top moment, I found myself confident of wearing bikini tops in resorts. I wore shorts, because I loathe the idea of wearing bikini bottoms in public. But bikini tops I liked. I was not worried at all when I wore those.

Until God shook me up and told me that modesty is the best fashion trend in His eyes!
It was a difficult change! I resisted the change. I always tried to justify wearing some pieces that are actually undoubtedly immodest. I bargained with God a lot. "Lord, please let me wear this one? Please give me peace while wearing this beautiful mini skirt? See it isn't as short as you think.. Please? Peace, please?" But then it was a clear no.

It was a lot of struggling.
A lot of asking why I should pursue modesty so radically.
A lot of excuses, a lot of pain surrendering.

But God enabled me.

Gradually He changed not just what's in my wardrobe.
He transformed what's in my chest.

He taught my heart how to love Him and how to shut the door to my selfish desires.
He taught me how to see myself in the way He sees me. He told me that I am precious, that I am His temple, that I am His servant.
He taught my heart to be passionate in serving my brothers and sisters through modesty.

His love looked beyond my selfish and unreflective immodesty.
His love was persistent in getting me out of destruction from dressing for vanity.
It is God's grace alone that brought me into the beauty of the heart-driven modesty.

And He can also transform YOU.
You may think that modesty isn't for you because of how you dress today.
But God tells you otherwise. He called you higher, young lady.
Let Him do with you what's best for you.
Surrender, obey and be amazed.

How is your past (and/or present) fashion style keeping you from pursuing modesty whole-heartedly?

P.S. Here's the video, as promised. Almost forgot it! Haha

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Crown or The Cross?

Discipleship can be seen as a means to put a crown on yourself.

But Jesus's discipleship isn't about having a crown, but taking up your cross.

I was reminded with this as I review what Dr. Ramesh Richard shared this morning at GDC. True, CG leaders are vulnerable to the temptation to pin their CG members' quality or quantity on their chest as medals of honor. Sporting how "big" their CG is becoming, or how "mature" their members have grown, disciplers could consider their disciples their crowning glory. This could look great on the external, but it destroys the much more important - the internal condition of the discipler and the group.

1. Disciples become objects
This could easily lead their hearts into loving their disciples as "objects that bring them glory" instead of "people who needs relationship with the Lord". You begin telling all the girls you know to join your small group. You meet them for a few weeks.. And when somebody asks, you proudly say. "I have 20 members already!" and sound like a kid bragging how much candy he has. After receiving the glory for having these large group, you stop the actual discipleship. Your ultimate purpose for your small group has already been fulfilled, you have already received all the glory, why still do your best with them?

2. Focus is Self not Christ
Instead of being drawn to love Christ deeper and share in His story, they become "hypnotized" and more drawn to the glimmer and shine of selfish glory. A crown.
The Great Commission is considered quantity-wise most of the time, for glory. Okay, sometimes you care for the quality.. Only to let all the people see what you can produce.
 But if the self is the more dominant focus, how would Christ-like values be caught from you?

3. Discipleship is Perverted
There you go. The horror of introducing these people to the wrong, selfish definition of discipleship. The kind of discipleship unconcerned of the actual growth of the disciples. Merely concerned on the aspects of the disciples that can be seen by others. You require them to go to church (so people would think your group is visible). You want them to be involved in ministry for the wrong selfish reasons.

When they post pictures on Facebook that shows how their lifestyles swing back to their old self, you become like a police officer, "Hey! What's the meaning of that?!" But deep inside, you are afraid that people would judge your leadership by looking at the people you're leading.

You become the scary strict authoritarian.

You demand perfection (so you could say that you're the best leader).

And the scariest part is that, you raise up disciplers who are arrogant, perfectionists, proud and self-seeking like yourself.
A Crown.
Grabbed here.

But hey, you lift your "leader image" a notch when you are deceived to think that it is you who do all the work for the people you handle. I'm sorry, but to let you know, leaders have the littlest role in making Christ-like disciples compared to how huge the Holy Spirit's role is.
Your role is a one millisecond appearance in a movie that's all about what the Holy Spirit does in the lives of your CG members!

Moreover, prideful discipleship is the farthest from the kind of discipleship Jesus models.
If you are trapped in that selfish kind of leadership, aren't you preaching one thing and practicing another?
If it is Jesus that you want them to see, it is His servanthood, humility and pure love that should shine in your leadership! If you pursue this kind of leadership, this is what happens.. The exact opposite of the former.

1. Great Relationships with Disciples
Now, if Jesus is the center of your discipleship, you would consider having a genuine relationship with them as the most important thing in discipleship. Beyond what the people around you sees, you develop a special relationship with your small group members. You do not only meet them once a week just to have a very good report about your CG.
Like real friends, you expose to them every corner of your life. So that they will learn from you how to follow Christ as they see you following Him in every little aspect of your life.
You do not only meet on Sundays or on CG days, you all should know so well that you have a real relationship, friendship, connection, that would go on all the days of the week.
You do casual things together to bond, and consider these times as important as your serious time studying the Bible.
For you to see how Jesus spent His everyday life with His discipleship, you should erase the selfish mentality of seeing them as objects and see them as real people.
It is not your CG material that would teach them how to follow God.
It is your life.

2. Focus is Christ
Since the spotlight is not on you, you do not become fully dependent on your leadership skills. You become a lot more dependent on God's leading. You do not grieve because of your weaknesses, and hide them from your disciples. You humble yourself, show them your weakest points and let them witness what God does as you surrender these weaknesses to Him.
This is one of the most common mistake of CG leaders. You wanna be prim and proper in front of your small group, and when you're gone, you become another person. Eengk! Not authentic! What ruins your testimony to them is saying you're one thing and having them question seeing another.
They know you're imperfect. No need to pretend you're perfect.
But you have to let them see how Jesus outshines human imperfection.
After all, it is God's power you should depend on, not on your own.
In turn, your small group members would learn to fix their gaze on Jesus and not on you.
They will not see you, they will see God's work in you.

3. The Call to Make Disciples is Realized
Discipleship, the kind Jesus wants us to do and to pass on, is realized.
You are not multiplying people who are like you, you are reproducing Christ-followers.
Truly, it would be hard to teach others to follow Christ, if they don't see you demonstrating it.
But if you start truly living following Christ, your life would be like a magnet. People around you would want to live like you do, as they see how much joy and out-of-this-world fulfillment you get from following Him.
And your life's fruit would not only be believers - they would be Christ-committed followers who would share the same passion to "Go and make disciples".

Jesus had a big heart for His disciples - they were not mere objects to make other people "envious" of His leadership skills. He invested in them all He can, He shared to them all He knows, He demonstrated to them the Christ-like lifestyle they need.. He poured on them His purest love.
It's not easy. It's self-denial.
Its purpose is love, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

The cross.
Grabbed here.

Are you willing to be that discipler who does not want to make his/her own name known.. And only wants the Name above all names to get all the glory?
Photos grabbed here and here.

If you are a discipler reading this, ask yourself what you choose.

A crown or the cross?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Let the Pricking Commence!

Photo grabbed here.
Have you ever experienced being confronted about your behavior?
You hate that feeling. Who would ever like the feeling of being rebuked? When rebuked, you feel like you're a butter slowly melting on a hot pan. You're embarrassed and on top of that, you are helpless. As soon as someone tells you the weaknesses you struggle with for so long, your body would feel limp, as if suddenly vanishing would be a great help in the moment. 

That's why, when rebuked, one engages in one of the various defense mechanisms so as to dodge the hurtful attack of the pointing finger.

Hearing piercing words that pokes our weaknesses makes us a lot more sensitive than usual.
And here are some of the things we tend to do:
1. Blame Our Past
We recall a grim situation in the past that had the greatest influence on our weakness. We become upset at the scars our past had left us. We think we're scarred for life.
2. Blame Our Environment
We look at how we were raised, and what culture we were raised in. We remember how each person behaves, how each one's weaknesses became your own.
3. Use "Nobody's Perfect" for Justification
We settle at who we are today. We sometimes think that we've already done enough good. And we think that we don't have to do our best in overcoming weaknesses because nobody's perfect. We think there's no point in pursuing victory over weaknesses because it would be an endless chase. And besides, you might think it would make you less human if you have no weakness or two.
4. Point at Others' (not necessarily relevant) Mistakes
They say that comparison to others brings misery. I don't think this applies only when it brings envy. It may also apply when comparison to others brings self-righteousness. Self-righteousness does not only fuel one's pride. It also significantly retards one's growth.

These things, your past, your environment, your imperfections and your insecurities, these are some of the things Jesus's blood covers. His blood gives us freedom from the chains of these things. So when you blame these things, when you try to point the finger to these, it's like saying that these things still have the power over you. It's like submitting to their stronghold and admitting defeat.

Moreover, we do these alternatives when we are too prideful to take off our "honor" for a minute to let God examine our entirety. It could be really hard to take off all the medals, all the achievements, all the ribbons, and be bare-naked before God so He could be able to clean what remains dirty inside. It is hard to suddenly be the worst person you know, and forget all the best parts about yourself.
That is how pride makes it a lot harder.

However, if you think about it a lot deeper, you would be dumbfounded.
Recount your achievements. Don't all these belong to your Father? So why take pride in the honor you don't deserve at all? Rebukes remind us of who we are in reality. We are mere channels of God's power!

So when God wants to change something in you, let Him.
Do not be a hard-headed kid clinging onto his "achievements" so tightly.
God knows how to maximize your potentials more than you do.
And besides,
you don't "perform" for your own glory, do you?

"Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings."
Proverbs 1:23

When was the last time you were rebuked? How did you respond?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Even Trees Bear Fruit in Season

Three of my small group members just participated Gencounter last Saturday.
It is an activity in our Congregation that marks the beginning of the new chapter in the lives of believers of God who are ready to be used in ministries.
After years of learning about discipleship, I realize that we cannot force anyone to grow. All we could do is do our best in our little role in our disciple's growth. One's spiritual growth is not from her spiritual mentor. It's not even from herself. A person's growth ultimately comes from God.
And so it's something that would softly come in His time.
Even trees bear fruit in season!
With lots of prayers, Claudine, CL and Hannah participated that activity.

"A nice encounter with God :-)
I learned a lot :))
Lord thank you for your unfailing love you :D 

to your blood and flesh you shed in the CROSS

Everyday i thank you for your grace you given to us :D 
I surrender all my life :-)

Let your will be done :))


"I'm blessed to have encountered God today! But it's not the last time I'll be encountering him, it's just the start. I'm looking forward on encountering God each day of my life. So excited for what He has in store for me! Don't miss out on God's wonderful plan for your life :D

Live out your faith and SHARE it."


"Things happen for a reason whether it's good or not, my past experiences is really a nightmare, indeed! i thought it was the end, "giving up" to follow God is next to my mind, but know what? God is Good! cause He never stop loving me, He never stop calling me and He never give up on me. He is my healer. All the brokenness inside, all the wounds, he heals me. And today, i had a great ENCOUNTER with Him again. I'll praise God for giving me this opportunity. He brought me this far, and now, i want to follow God and brings all the glory and praises to Him. My Lord and Savior..He takes me out of the dark :)) ♥"

I do not see being these girls' spiritual momma as a strenuous duty.
It was a great privilege, an undeserved opportunity, a beautiful encounter with God.
There were times when I almost gave up as I saw how weak I was. It scared me. I was worried that my weaknesses would affect these girls negatively, and that my lapses would cause them to stumble. For almost 2 years and more, God taught me a lot of things in being a small group leader.
Being a small group leader is never about me!
It is ultimately about God.  

They are just three of the girls I love most
I know my face looks like it's about to burst in this picture, but I don't care.. It's that one picture I had with the three of them during Gencounter so I'm posting it! Hahahahaha

Best to keep distraction away. FOCUS to encountering God.
Saying good bye to distractions to wholly absorb everything.


With some of our friends, Michelle, Je Ann and Schae. 

I am so so so blessed to witness your journey with the Lord!
You have taught me a lot of things about humility, servanthood, and op cors, love.
There are a lot more to learn for all of us. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to do it with you!
You know how much of an open book my life is for you. Haha I'm willing to bare all of me, to make every part of  me available to you. My goal is to impart to you every little lesson I learned (and am still learning) from my personal journey with the King. With these parcels of wisdom, along with the lessons you learn from your own personal journey with God, grow deeper in your faith.

I love you! Now that God has led you this far, offer Him your best. I know He has great plans for your lives, He has ministries prepared for you to do.
Just keep fighting, lady warriors! 

P. S. If God touches your heart to pray for them, please do so. Let raising up Christ-like leaders be ever in our hearts.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

So Much, I Can't Contain It

This is a guest post from one of my small group members, Hannah Valdeabella.
          Have you ever felt like having thoughts pop out into your mind and then have another completely different thought come one after another? That's what I have been experiencing ever since this week started! So much thoughts have filled my mind and they still keep coming in and to be honest I don't think I can handle anymore thoughts so I'm gonna pour some of them down here instead!
          It's really amazing how God reveals a lot of things to you. Each single day, God has been revealing a lot of things to me and I come to understand and learn a lot of things with each experience. From the moment I open my eyes in the morning to the moment I lay my head in bed at night, God continuously shows me many wonderful things about life. Each experiences then becomes an encounter with God and with each encounter with Him, I come to know about Him more and more. I find myself excited of what new things He'll show me and happy to know that He loves me more than I could.
          I remember when I was a child, I often hear the leaders in my church and even my parents say things like "I heard God told me..." or "God showed me..." and to be honest, I didn't understand them! I thought "How did they know that it was God?" and wondered how I wasn't able to hear God's voice. I thought they were weird since they kept saying things that seemed impossible. But now that I experienced it myself, I say that it wasn't at all impossible. All things becomes possible when it comes to God 
          So, how do you know God reveal things to you?First of all, we must be able to encounter God. He won't be able to reveal things to you until you get to know about Him! Like every stranger outside, you won't really pay much attention to what they do or what they say simply because you don't know them. But once you knew who they were, a simple gesture would make you notice them even at a distance. And even if you try to ignore them, you would still know that it was them.
          And by knowing God, you'll understand how He works in you. And believe me or not, God works in a very simple way actually. He doesn't order you around or control you. The choice is entirely up to you, if you're willing enough to be used by Him to do greater things! When God works in you: you'll be able to see things differently, you'll be able to do unimaginable things, and you'll be able to experience wonders and miracles. All it just takes is a lot of faith!
          But admit it, it's not that often we see what God wants us to see and do what He wants us to do. God isn't at fault. It's just human nature to complicate things to the point that we miss every chance to do so! We tend to look at figures and facts which gets in the way. For example, when you see a beggar at the streets, one could simply think "He's begging for money because he doesn't have any job to earn his own money.". While we cannot deny this fact, we also cannot ignore this! A person who lives close to God would think of the beggar as a recipient of God's love. He wouldn't just think, he'll also act to show him God's love!
          Because you love God, He'll let you see the beggar in a way which most people don't. And it's unusual for someone to spend time with a beggar you know! People may throw some glances at you, but that won't matter. What matters most is you do the will of God. And I believe, that's how God reveal things to you. It just comes naturally. All we need to do is just fix our eyes on Jesus, and you'll be able to see things which you haven't seen before. Isn't that exciting?          
That doesn't stop there. This week, I had a lot of encounters with God. And like I said, I've been overwhelmed! Each things that I learned with each encounters piled up, filling my mind with thoughts about different things. It's kind of hard to organize them all actually. My mind is now already full and new thoughts still keep coming in. I realized that if I keep them all to myself, the new things God reveals to me spills out and I miss the chance to experience them wholly! Like how a cup of tea would overflow if you keep pouring tea in it, the tea would be wasted. You need to empty your cup to receive. And that's why I decided to write them down here. It's so much, I can't contain them all and that's why I need to share them! I don't want to waste any encounters I had with God. I need to share them to empty my cup! And I hope by doing so, I help a lot of people become more closer to God. It may be selfish of me to say it like that, but I love God and that's why I do these things. 
I am so overwhelmed at what God is doing in her life. She was my first small group member! Haha. Yes, pioneer. And today, here she is, blooming, growing.. as she encounter God deeper and deeper every time.
I am so blessed to witness all that! 

Hannah made this! Check out some of her other works in DeviantART.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Always Respond with Love

 Miriam Quiambao, Paula Salvosa a.k.a. Amalayer, Janine Tugonon.
How are they similar?

They all stirred controversies.
One expressed opinions on homosexuality and stirred the LGBT community.
One had an encounter with the lady guard and had her outburst caught on cam.
One had her decisions on love and friendship exposed for all the world to know.

How else are these three similar?
They are Christians. They are fellow believers. (Welcome to the family, Paula! )
This saddens me every time a new controversy arises about a brother or a sister in Christ.
Not because of having the "religion" humiliated, but because I see how unloving this world is becoming. 
What pains me more is how some Christians actually do some of the bashing, all for the wrong reasons..  
To exhibit your knowledge about the law?
To showcase your "admirably sound" judgment?
To show people how much wisdom you have in your opinions?

Most of the time, this is done unmindfully.
We become a little too forgetful of what the message of Christianity really is.
Our role in this world is not to judge.
That is not our job. Judgment belongs only to God.
Our role is to show the world how much Jesus loves everyone - including these people with such controversies.
It is our job to show the world the much broader (and wiser) perspective only God could enable us to see.

Because of the worlds-apart distance between us and these much-celebrated figures, we forget that they are actual people, like any of us.
Like us, they have their own share of mistakes.
Look back at those moments in your life when you said something you regret, or did something that was even worse than what some of them did. If everything you do, 24/7, is televised, would it create as much controversy? How would the people who know you react?
It would indeed be controversial.
We all have our share of failures and mistakes. We all share shameful acts and embarassing decisions.
That's why we have no right to judge what they do.
Especially that...
Like us, they are misunderstood. 
We don't have any license to say anything bad about anyone, because our knowledge of their situation is very limited to what the media tells us... We should not talk bad about them, even though everyone already does it. We don't even know them personally, and we just assume with the very few details presented to us by fellow gossipers.
Pano mo nalamang di siya marunong magmahal? Tropa mo?! Hahaha
When we hear other people judging us without even knowing us personally, we are enraged.
We want to punch the person in the face with our facts that would prove them wrong.
But when it comes to these popular people, we easily overlook our unfair and harsh judgment.
That's how selfish we are: When it's you who is hastily judged, you get angry. But when it's you who gives hasty judgments, you don't think twice at all.

We cannot even define who they are through the very few details we know about them.
Do you want to be defined by perverted information about you? Of course not!
You don't even want your failures to define who you are.
That's not the way we want to be looked at.
That's not the way Jesus looks at them.

I know how we could get over-reacting, especially when it is a fellow believer who is the center of the controversy. We also get over-judging when the issue challenges our beliefs!
I know, because I reacted unlovingly when I first heard about the Amalayer incident (with Paula Salvosa).
I laughed at what happened, watched all the parodies, and barely thought of her as an person who is cyberbullied. I forgot that she is someone whom God loves. 
It was until I watched her testimony, where she shared how one outburst at the LRT Station almost ruined her life, that my perspective about such issues was rebuked by God.

I was surprised when I realized how a simple tweet of 140 characters, but filled with God's love, changed her life.

A little prayer. An encouragement. An effort to put an end to the waves of discouragement and bashing.
What these real people need is a reminder of God's love.
Not our "righteous" opinions.
Not satiric parodies of their mistakes.
Not even in-your-face tweets or statuses.
In the end, what everyone needs is love.

In the thoughts you drown your mind with, and in the things you say..
In everything you do, have your  checked by your Master.

How do you respond when you hear about issues about other people?
Much, Faye

Friday, April 19, 2013

Cheap dreams are for cheap dreamers!

Have you ever had something you bought at a bargain price?
You knew it was cheap, that's why you do not take care of it so much.
Cheap clothes? These are the stuff you would easily do a DIY with.
Cheap book? You let anyone borrow it knowing it can get lost.
Cheap phone?  With this one, you don't mind a lil scratch.
Cheap notebook? This you offer to kids to sabotage.

Ever thought you were not meant to do great things in your life?
"Err.. Those great things are only for great people. Not for me. I'm a nobody and I lead a very simple life. Great stuff? Uh-uh. Not for me."
Sometimes, our insecurities bring us into thinking that we are not as valuable as what God sees is in us.
That's why we do not value our lives too much, much less our spiritual lives.
We become too contented doing so-so stuff for God and not dreaming big.
All because we think we're little and big stuff is for pastors, or whoever else.
"Not me. I'm already contented with what I do for God."
"I go to church.. Teach kids at Sunday school.. blerbler."

And you stop there. You forget that you could actually dream and pray for something big.
You forget that you serve a big God who can do just anything.
You forget that you serve the most amazing God who deserves your best.

This is one manifestation of our insecurities
These insecurities do not come from God.
These come from the world that always tries to say that we're not good enough.
Sometimes, just so we'd buy their products, companies repeatedly tell us that we are not white enough, not flawless enough, not wise enough, not healthy enough.. We are bombarded by these all our lives.
Little insecurities from having pimples, to big ones like not being able to talk as good as <insert name her>, they overwhelm us.
We had mistakes. When we failed, people around us think we are big walking failures (or at least that's what we think).
These pile up to give us an unhealthy perspective saying that we are not good enough for anything.
So we settle oh-so-easily to doing things with mediocrity.
We think we are nobodies who lead cheap lives. Like cheap clothes, cheap phone, cheap stuff, we don't care what happens with our "cheap" lives, when we see ourselves invaluable.

Fret not. Though you may indeed have some parts of you which you could actually be insecure about, you have a limitless God where you can find your security! The great things that are ahead of you, aren't there because of your own greatness, but because of your great God. Greatness is not all about you, it's just fitting for the greatness of your God.
Yes, you might not be good enough to do great things, but your God is so great that He enables the "not-good-enough" servants to do great things!

Now that God is in the picture.. The great God whose hands made the universe, I'll ask you..
You think teaching kids at Sunday school is your best? Nah I don't think so.
Dream big and pray that your passion for kids extends, and that time would come that more kids would hear of God's love through you!
You think encouraging a few girls is you best? Nah I don't think so.
Dream big and pray that more women would hear the testimony you have, and that more who underwent the same challenges would learn from what God has done in your life!
There are many things we do today that are good enough.
But we know that these are not yet our best. We still have something to give, we still have something to offer to God!
(I'm not saying that the little things we do aren't good, they're actually admirable because we should serve God in the littlest things.. But we have to understand that God knows we can do more)
If it's God's will, the great things you would dream of would certainly come your way, just shake off the great hindrances - insecurities.
Who knows, God might have even greater things in mind for your life, so you would have an even greater encounter with Him. 

It's about time for you to break free from these insecurities that hinder you to
dream big for your ministry!
Maglilingkod ka na rin lang, sagarin mo na!

Photo grabbed here.

How are you dreaming for your ministry? How are insecurities hindering you to give God your very best?
Much, Faye

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

You call it love?

Photo grabbed here
It started when David sinned because of his admiration (of the body) of Bathsheba. (which he "accidentally" saw while she was taking a bath)
It caused him to do things that did not only displease God, but also did harm to him and his family.
When Nathan, the prophet, rebuked David, he also told the king that his family will absolutely be affected by this. Shortly after that, his son Amnon, raped his daughter (from a different mother) Tamar.
His family was not affected through tragic natural events.
His family was affected by the venom of lust.

As David's encounter with Bathsheba was retold by 2 Samuel's writer,
not once was love mentioned. On the whole chapter was the shadow of lust and what it can do to a man's prudence.
In the retelling of Amnon's story, love was mentioned ... by the violator himself.
"I'm in love with Tamar..." (2 Samuel 13:4)
This could have been a very sweet line, if he uttered the word love and meant the wondrous truth of that big word.

However, reading the next verses, we would see how he carefully planned his assault on the helpless virgin.  He heeded the counsel of a wicked friend. He did not think of any of the possible consequences, and only thought of the immediate pleasure he'd get. He was willing to deceive his own father. He did not respect the one he "loved" (he called it love, but it was clearly not). He did not care if it would make a fool out of him. He knew he could actually get her as his wife, but did not have the patience for the process. (2 Samuel 13:13) He did not want to wait.

What happened right after he took advantage of her?
He was filled with "intense" hatred towards her!
"In fact, he hated her more than he loved her."
(2 Samuel 13:15)
Could hate really co-exist with love? Not the love that Jesus teaches us. No, it cannot co-exist with hate.

Because of Amnon's selfish decisions, many were affected. Tamar was disgraced. Absalom was filled with hatred and killed Amnon. Their other brothers had stained their hands with helping Absalom in the murder. King David became furious, and lost a son soon after.

We might think that those stuff were too much.

But hey, that's what "pirated" love, or mere infatuation, could do.

This is still very relevant in our generation.
How many times did you, or a friend of yours, proclaimed "love" for someone you barely know?
How many times did "love" make you do crazy things that compromised a lot of things?
How many times did this kind of "love" negatively affect people around you and inflicted hurt to so many people? (e.g. your parents, your friends, your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend)

How do we know we are only infatuated and not in love? (Based on 2 Samuel 13)
1. You seek and follow advice from those who'd approve of your selfishness.
You know how much your friends get giddy over your feelings for that girl. But no, you would not want to talk about it with your parents. Talking about it with your spiritual mentor is just out of the question - you know he would not approve. Seeking advice from them would also mean putting out the flame of the kilig in liking someone this "perfect".
2. You are willing to break the rules, even of God Himself.
You know how much it affects your spiritual life, as well as your enthusiasm in your ministry in your school, in your church. You know how much God disapproves. You know it. Every time you hear the sermon, you suddenly think of your feelings for that girl as if God is telling you to do something about it. You are uneasy talking about it in a more truthful perspective. You are just not comfortable putting side by side your girl's name and the condition of your walk with God. That... could mean you're breaking His rules.
2. You are willing to do things that will inflict hurt on others.
Based on my experience, I was willing to hurt my family because of how much I liked that boy. And I think that's one of the most common "sacrifices" of young girls.. "I'm willing to disobey my father, and lie about it, I like you that much." "I'm willing to spend less time with my friends and spend all of my time on you, I like you that much." "I'm willing to forget my morals and just indulge in our love.. It's you, me, against the world."
We become this blinded, while the people who truly love us, stand at a distance, grieving as they see how much our unhealthy feelings devour us and keep us from being the best that we can be.
Sometimes, we also deliberately hurt other people as we try to pave a way to satisfy our own desires.
3. You only consider your own happiness.
You think you love him until you learn you love yourself more; the real you would be willing to have her joy compromised just to serve you your "well-deserved" joy. You think you love the guy but you demand too much time from him, because your greedy self has emotional needs you want him to satisfy. You pull the girl's hand to a dark cave, away from other people who also love her, just so you could get all that you need from her, emotional needs, physical needs, etc.
4. You are not willing to wait.
We somehow have to wait for God's perfect time, where God gives the go signal. God has a reason why we have to wait for the best things in life. He does not want us to merely wait for the perfect circumstance for what we want to happen.
It is about what happens "while we wait". You'd encounter God deeper as He cleanses your heart and prepares it for the time He would give that thing you are waiting for. (which apparently would be better than how you imagine it to be while waiting) He wants everything to be perfect so that we would experience the joy to the fullest! If we grab the gift too soon, the joy that comes with it would not be as rich as the joy He really intends to give ya.

But fret not, God knows how distorted our ideas on love would be. He does not want us to be hurt no more. He does not want us to hurt his other children.. That's why He offers free lessons on true love! We would not learn about it from other people. A relationship with Him would be the best classroom in learning how to truly love! ♡

Do not be a modern-day Amnon and settle with infatuation.
(which our immature selves could call love)
True love has a waaay better offer.

Have you had past experiences where you've mistaken infatuation for love? 
Much, Faye